Year 7 Pastoral Guardian

Colleen Goodin

Colleen Goodin
Colleen Goodin

Term 3 has come to an end and a very busy one it has been. It started with our wonderful camp adventure and is ending with the highlight of the year for many of the students - Cultural Festival. This is the time for all students to join in the spirit of the Festival and support their house. To finish the term, we had a Year 7 cohort picnic on the oval on Tuesday. The students gathered in their camp groups with their group leaders to reconnect with their groups and share a meal together. It was lovely to see the happy faces and hear the chatter going on. 


There have been many opportunities for the students to become involved in the life of the College this term and some of the students have shared these experiences.



Adelaide Clifton

Term 3 basketball was really fun overall - my highlight of the year. The games we had at other schools was a new thing for most of us, so we had a great time comparing school bubblers (St Rita’s won).  Our coach is a former student of Mt A, who filled our cold mornings of training with laughter when we shared our experiences. We all bonded quickly, even though the Junior teams are a mix of Year 7s and 8s. As the weeks went by, we swiftly adopted more skills and strategies into our games to secure a win, only one more shoot away from winning! The most creative among our team modestly went to work on the face of an unusual challenge: nicknames. In the end the Junior D basketball team shall be forever known as the ‘Cast of Frozen’. I personally think this was an achievement that overrides all of our losses. Finally, I reckon choosing to do a sport in Year 7 has helped me make new friends that I would never have even thought to talk to otherwise. 


Samantha Martin

This term for rugby 7s there were three different teams, including Juniors (7 & 8), Intermediates (9 & 10), and Seniors (11 & 12). Each team received its own coach - Deb Grylls, Daymon Tuka, and Steve Keys. During our season we had trainings every Tuesday afternoons and games on Wednesday afternoons. We participated in two tournaments - the Logan 7s and the CASSSa tournament, playing against great opponents and building strong friendships. 


Maddi Hill

This term I played soccer in the Junior C team along with a fun group of girls. We had a pretty good season, finishing with four wins and two loses. Although we had lost a few games, we still tried our hardest and encouraged one another each week. While it was hard to get out of bed for 7am training, we did it and worked our best so that we were ready for the game. We had so much fun this season and I can’t wait for next year. 



Pip Wallace

This term, Wind Ensemble and Percussion 2 performed terrifically at this year’s QCMMF competitions, performances, and Australian Percussion Eisteddfod.  Wind Ensemble was awarded a silver at QCMMF - a great result. Percussion 2 came third overall, and gold for our performance - another incredible result. Both ensembles performed at the FCIP concert with many other strings ensembles and bands. Both performances were wonderful. At the beginning of Term 3, a collection of FCIP ensembles went on camp. We all had a great time improving our skills and strengthening bonds with our band members. I only participate in these two ensembles, but I know many other ensembles also achieved very highly in other comps and performances. 


Year 7 Cohort Picnic

Erin Habgood

This term to celebrate camp we all participated in a camp group picnic. The picnic was amazing because we had the chance to meet up with the friends we made on camp, and tell them what’s been happening - and the food was an extra plus. Each camp group organised what they were going to bring food-wise so that, while everyone was talking and having fun, we were able to eat. Furthermore, as an extra surprise, the camp group teachers/leaders were also invited to participate in this fun event and to enjoy the free food supplied by the students. Overall, this picnic was a great event for group bonding and a way to establish and renew friendships that will last all our school life. 


Term 3 Student Reflection 

Ava Kerrigan

This term, we have done many wonderful things. Firstly, over the term, many different sport opportunities were given to us. After weeks of training, teams could compete in different sport competitions. It was a great way to meet new people and have a fun time with friends. Additionally, around Father’s Day, students were invited to bring their dads or any significant male in their life along to school. Held at the San Damiano, all families could enjoy a wide variety of games and activities, a photobooth, karaoke, and many great foods. Later in the term, a FCIP music showcase of all the different bands and ensembles commenced. Parents were invited to watch, and all the students participating had a very enjoyable time. FCIP bands and the College Choir also participated in QCMF - a music competition where schools from all over came to compete. Finally, on the last week of the term, Cultural Festival and Spirit Week started. Each day, students are invited to dress up in different outfits based around different themes. During homeroom on some days leading up to this week, we even participated in dance practice to prepare for Friday - the day of the Battle of the Houses. Overall, this term has offered many great opportunities and college events for students to participate in, and we have all had a brilliant time! 


Caitlin Roberts

This term was extremely fun and enjoyable because of the wide range of opportunities for sport fun, events, and camp. Firstly, not long after coming back from school holidays we experienced camp and, although it was raining, we had a very fun and memorable time because we made friendship bracelets, participated in milk crate climbing, and practised archery. My friends and I also committed to playing soccer, where we improved our skills and played other schools which was enjoyable and exciting. Additionally, we also participated in events such as Cultural Fest, the year level picnic, and Silly Sock Day. Overall, this term has been AMAZING, and my friends and I have had a BRILLIANT time. 

We farewell three students from our midst this term - Maddie Canham, Niamh Butler, and Holly Townsend - and we wish them all the best for the future. We also welcome two new students to the College, Zara Brooks and Francesca Moschella. We hope you feel welcome here at Mount Alvernia.


Enjoy the break – it has been a very busy term and the students will need to rest up and recuperate before we head into the last eight weeks of their first year at high school. Time flies fast!