Year Five 

Dear Year Five Families


Welcome back to our Year Five community! A special warm welcome to our new families who have joined the Saltwater Community this year!


Students made a respectful start to 2023 last week as they made their way to their new classrooms to set up for the year.

Students have engaged in setting expectations for their classrooms and have settled in nicely.

As NAPLAN approaches early this year, the Year Five students have utilised the 20 days program to set expectations and focus on preparing students for the term ahead.




In Reading, students have engaged in various reading comprehension strategies through a reading technique 'Question, Answer, Response' (QAR). They have set expectations for their classroom libraries by organising it through genre and topics. Students have enjoyed exploring the range of books at their disposal. The Year Five team have begun reading conferences with students to have an understanding of their love for books and interests to support students learning and engagement.



In Writing, students have been exploring the structure of narrative writing by planning using a story mountain writing structure to ensure a cohesive and sequenced piece of writing is produced. Students are currently learning the seven steps of success by looking at sizzling starts for their introductions and tightening tensions to engage their readers in their narrative.


In preparation for NAPLAN, students are engaging in lessons focused on Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. We started the year by exploring the four operations of mathematics and implementing them in solving problems with area and perimeter. Students are beginning to identify, interpret and represent a range of data sets.


Our first Unit of Inquiry through the transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are will be focused on leadership. Our central idea is Characteristics of a leader may determine their legacy. Students will be exploring a range of characteristics a leader presents and what constitutes a leader to be who they are. Students have unpacked our key concepts to acquire the knowledge of perspective, causation, connection, responsibility, form, function, reflection, and change. This will encourage and support students in attaining meaningful wonderings throughout the course of the year.

Year Five Team

We would like to welcome Cameron Vella of 5C who has joined us from the Year Three team and Mandeep Kaur of 5D who is new to Saltwater College. They join Shaneece Rizzo of 5A, Matthew Kreymborg of 5B, and Tammie Edie of 5E. We are ecstatic about the year of learning ahead.



  • No Hat, No Play - students must bring hats to school to be allowed to play outside. If they do not have a hat, they are required to stay in the shaded area near the canteen.
  • If students have a MacBook, they must bring it to school fully charged every day.
  • Wednesday 15th February we will be holding our Year Five information evening, we encourage you to attend to learn more about our Year Five program. Please indicate your attendance through XUNO events.