Year Four

Welcome back to our Year Four families, we extend a warm welcome to new students and their families who are joining our Saltwater Community. We look forward to a year of exciting learning in 2023!


Year Four Team  

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome some new faces to the Year Four Teaching Team -Charlotte Turner (4B), Karlee Fowler (4E) and Navneet Kaur (4H). 

They are joined by Deanna Kotevski (4A), Eliverta Qafzazi (4C), Loretta Niven, (4D), Denae Vines (4F), Elycia Ang, (4G) and Christina Assaf (4I)

 Our Year Four classes are in our double-storey portables at the back of the school grounds.


The teachers are proud of how the students have seamlessly settled into school routines and are enjoying getting to know their classmates.


First 20 Days

To establish classroom routines and positive relationships between teachers and students, the Year Four classes have been working through our start up program ‘The First 20 Days’ 


In Reading, students have worked together to organise their classroom libraries by exploring and sorting books into categories.  They have also begun their class novels and explored what independent reading looks likes in their classrooms.


In Writing, students have planted seed in their Writer’s Notebooks, sharing about their favourite things and what is important to them, this is a great way for teachers and students to get to know each other, and will provide ideas for future writing pieces throughout the year.

In Mathematics, students have refreshed their knowledge of the Launch, Explore, Engage model, by solving open-ended problems. Students have also enjoyed learning to play some of their teachers’ favourite maths games.

Students have begun to explore and unpack the attributes of the Learner Profile such as caring, principled, inquirer, thinker, communicator by reading a range of picture story books and participating in class discussions.



You can expect fortnightly newsletters to keep you up to date as to what is happening here at Saltwater P-9 College and in the classrooms. A good way of staying up to date on school information is to visit our website at, add us on Facebook at Saltwater P-9 College, follow us on Instagram at saltwaterp9college, receive updates through XUNO and finally connect to Schoolbox using your parent login details.


If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, your first point of call is your child’s classroom teacher, if needed the classroom teacher can then reach out to a member of the leadership team who will get in touch with you. Matthew Hart is the Assistant Principal and Denae Vines the Leading Teacher.


We look forward to working closely with the students in Year Four and getting to know the families.



  • In Term One, it is required that all students wear their hats during recess and lunch. We kindly remind students to remember to wear their hats.
  • If students have received their MacBooks from Beyond the Box, they are able to begin to bring them in. If you have purchased your own device, please wait until you receive a XUNO notice to bring them into IT to be configured.
  • Thursday 23rd February we will be holding our Year Four information evening, we encourage you to attend to learn more about our Year Four program. Please indicate your attendance through XUNO events.
  • 14th- 24th March- Year Four Swimming- please complete permission forms and payment through XUNO app. Please see your child's classroom teacher if you require any assistance.