Primary Community News
Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
Prep/1 have been having an amazing term!
We have been learning all about ourselves. Prep/1 A has been learning to make friends, take turns, and play! Prep/1 A has been learning to be sun smart and always wear our hats. We have been learning about all the things we can see in our focus text, ‘Prep 1/A, Prep/1 A, What Do You See?’. We have been learning how fun writing can be. We have been learning to count, and all the ways we can play with counting. Prep/1 A is having so much fun at school!
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
In the 3/4 team we have been learning to count backward from a range of starting points and using number lines to help us. We created our very own number lines outside with chalk where we had to write all the numbers down on our number line to help us count backward. We had a lot of fun making our own number lines.
Upper Primary (Years 4-6)
This week the 4-6 classes have started their intensive swimming program. During classroom learning activities, we have focused on being safe and responsible on the bus and in the community. Students will learn many skills in the water during this time, such as floating, blowing bubbles, kicking, and some may even practice different strokes. We will also encourage independence during this program and hope to see students develop other skills such as dressing, looking after their own belongings, and packing their swimming bags. All Students have already thoroughly enjoyed going swimming and are so happy and excited to continue next week.
Primary Students of the Week
⚫ 3/4A - Kane for being a good model of learning and independence
⚫ 3/4B – Sterling for settling in well to Jackson School and following our school values and expectations.
⚫ 3/4C - Solaiman for completing all his work and following classroom routines.
⚫ 3/4D - Aayan for settling in well at Jackson School and participating in all activities.
⚫ 3/4A – Kylie for being responsible for her learning and completing all set work tasks
⚫ 3/4B – Mercy for being responsible with her learning and completing all set work tasks
⚫ 3/4C - Darios for following his classroom routines and completing all his learning activities.
⚫ 3/4D - Zakaria for always trying his best and giving all activities a go.
⚫ 4-6A - Zion for transitioning well into his new classroom and trying his best to follow the classroom routine.
⚫ 4-6A - Marcus for always being respectful to his teachers and helping his peers in the classroom.
⚫ 4-6D - Phoung for staying in the learning area and completing his learning activities.
⚫ 4-6D - Makayla for always engaging and participating in whole class learning, completing her learning activities and helping her peers in the classroom.