Principal's Report

with Mr Christopher Cotching

What an extraordinary school we have here at Chatham. On Tuesday it was magnificent to see our enthusiastic, bubbly and excited Prep’s at school for their first day of primary school. It was wonderful to see the many parents, grandparents and extended family members involved in this important day. Despite the building works and fences, we were able to meet on the amphitheatre in the beautiful sunshine and enjoy the beautiful ambience of our school. This was followed by our traditional Tears & Cheers experience in Wharton Street at the home of the Henry family. Again, I convey our appreciation to Rebecca and Richard for making her home available for this event and for the support from the President of our Parents’ Club, Mrs Belinda Dalton. Importantly our Preparatory students commenced with unbridled confidence and enthusiasm. I convey our appreciation to the preparation and organisation from my staff who made this experience both memorable and so positive for our students.


We also are delighted to welcome many new families to Chatham, some of whom who have just arrived in our area in recent days.


At the time of writing what has been achieved here has been truly inspiring. The building works have been occurring continually since 2nd January with up to 30 personnel in attendance on most days. I am pleased to advise that many flexible arrangements and timely adaptions have been made to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff. My staff worked extraordinarily to prepare their classrooms despite the inordinate dust and debris from significant building works. I am pleased to advise that our staff undertook First Aid training on Monday 30th January and spent considerable time preparing their classrooms. It is extraordinary the transformation that occurred in our school in the days just prior to students commencing on Tuesday 31st January. 


School Culture and Values

From the moment our students return to school we have an enduring focus upon our motto of Being Fair, Being Safe and Being Kind. This is fundamental to our culture and mores with a real focus upon this expectation by students, staff and parents from day one. Additionally, in each class and specialist area teachers develop Classroom and Specialist Agreements that enshrine these expectations in a range of school contexts along with our values of honesty, responsibility, partnership, resilience, learning and respect. We are delighted about the progress these students have made in demonstrating and inculcating these values. At each Year Level these are considered in view of child development and associated aptitudes.


Following the Year 6 Camp we look forward to allocating and confirming our School Leadership positions for all students in Year 6. This is a practice that is very special to Chatham and all students at Year 6 enjoy a Leadership title and role that is nurtured and developed over the course of the school year.


Staffing Structure 2023

As of today’s Age and recent media reports you will be aware that there is now a chronic shortage of teachers across all educational sectors in Victoria and elsewhere. I am greatly relieved that this has not been an issue at our school and am very grateful for the certainty and order we have at this difficult time. Conversations with journalists and others in recent days truly reflects the breadth of this issue.


Nevertheless, I am pleased to advise that the following structure and staffing arrangements are consistent with what was communicated in late December 2022. Again, we are delighted to see all staff return and welcome back Mrs Jessica Wilson in her role as Visual Arts teacher, Mr James Rampant as our new teacher of Japanese, Mrs Lisa Gilbert in the role of Physical Education and Sport and Mr Tim Clarke who has resumed from leave in 2022. We are particularly excited by our new Visual Arts Centre in the BER Building with its light, expanse and associated facilities.

Preparatory CSMs Corinne Slade Monday - Friday
Preparatory / Year 1 P1BMs Kirstie Briggs Monday - Friday
Year 1ABMs Anita Buccieri Monday - Friday
Year 2LMMs Lorraine McLean Monday – Friday
Year 2SSMs Sophie Sermerdjian Monday – Friday
Year 3SNMr Sam Norris Monday – Friday
Year 3DT

Ms Tanya Dolence 

Mrs Vivianne Twigg

 Wednesday – Friday

 Monday & Tuesday

Year 4CM

Mr Tim Clarke

Ms Sue Minshull

 Monday – Wednesday

 Thursday & Friday

Year 4MEMs Sarah Medland Monday – Friday
Year 5ST

Mrs Hannah Scantleton 

Ms Vivianne Twigg

 Monday – Wednesday

 Thursday & Friday

Year 6ZBMr Zac Barry Monday – Friday
Year 6RFMr Rafael Fernandez Monday – Friday
Visual ArtsMrs Jessica Wilson Wednesday – Friday
Japanese – LOTEMr James Rampant Wednesday – Friday
Physical Education and SportMrs Lisa Gilbert Monday & Tuesday
MusicMs Tanya Dolence Monday & Tuesday
LibraryClass Teachers timetabled 
STEAM roomClass Teachers timetabled 
Student Tutor ProgramMs Sue Minshull Tuesday & Wednesday
Business ManagerMs Dimitra Ouliaris Monday – Friday
Office AdministrationMs Judy Holland Monday – Friday
Office AdministrationMs Tina Casey Monday / Wednesday & Friday
Canteen ManagerMs Jo Paterson Wednesday & Friday
NursingMs Karen Scanlin 
MaintenanceMr Peter Manning 
Education Support OfficerMs Kristin Chester Monday – Wednesday
Education Support OfficerMs Shaina Webb Thursday & Friday
Education Support OfficerMs Andrea McLeod Casual Arrangements
Education Support OfficerMs Lynda Gould  Casual Arrangements
Education Support OfficerMs Janet Clarke  Casual Arrangements
Education Support OfficeMrs Leda Semercioglu Casual Arrangements
Assistant Principal Ms Georgie Kirwan Monday – Friday
Principal Mr Christopher Cotching Monday - Friday


School Organisation

In the coming weeks there is so much that needs to be organised at this time. Whilst this creates demands on families, it is important that information is obtained to assist and support your child. The following are key matters for the coming days:

  • Start of year Student Permission Forms. On Friday 3rd February you will receive a Compass communication requesting you complete a number of important permission forms for your child. These will include permissions for Seesaw, Head Lice inspections, ICT agreements and Class Representative details. We would ask that these are completed online by Friday 10th February.
  • Year Level and Specialist’s Newsletters. Please note we hope to distribute these the week commencing Monday 13th February.
  • Parent/Teacher discussions. Please be advised that these are scheduled for Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st February. Information will be provided to parents in due course. 
  • Swimming Carnivals – House and District. These tend to be organised with fairly late notice as their timing is very much beyond the control of the school. Once the timing of the District Swimming Carnival is established, we are then in a position to conduct our House Swimming Carnival. This event is now scheduled for Monday 13th February 2023.

School Council Elections for 2023

Today all parents and carers will receive a Notice of Election and Call for Nominations together with other information about the Chatham Primary School Council. I am pleased to advise that Chatham has enjoyed a long and enduring history of parental immersion in the life of the school and its community. Importantly, our School Council is the core expression of this valuable and cultural reality. This group is pivotal to the leadership and direction of our school and together with the principal and staff provide enormous practical support and contributions to our joint and shared endeavours and goals. The deliberations and decisions of our School Council are also supported by the works and efforts of our Committees of School Council which comprise Buildings and Grounds, Communication and School Development; Education; Finance; Fundraising and Services.

Every year there are usually vacant positions that naturally occur as School Councillors complete their period of office. This period is usually for two years. Some of these positions are for parent members whilst others are for employees of the Department of Education and Training, who are attached to the school. Current members of School Council whose period of office expires can also re nominate for vacant positions.


If you have any queries about the role and function of our School Council do not hesitate to contact me or current members of the School Council, as detailed on the Membership Declaration provided to all parents today.


School Camps 2023

At the time of writing, we are preparing for the Year 6 camp to Lakewood Park in East Gippsland. Due to changes in Industrial Agreements in schools, it is now becoming necessary for Principals and Assistant Principals to attend school camps. Otherwise, it will be impossible to adequately resource them or conduct them at all. Please be aware because we will be away from school for the week, there will be other staffing arrangements and personnel acting in these roles for the period. This is an exceptional camp and we are delighted that our Year 6 students have access to this great opportunity. Please be advised that Mr Peter Manning, Mrs Jessica Wilson, Mr Rafael Fernandez, Mr Zac Barry along with us will be attending. 


Whilst the Principal and Assistant Principal are at the School Camp the following arrangements will be in place:

Monday – Wednesday AM           Mr Zac Barry will assume management and stewardship of the school

Wednesday PM – Friday    Mr Rafael Fernandez will assume management and stewardship of the school

Please understand that in the main, we will not be responding to emails during the week at camp. The supervision and care of our Year 6 students and staff is of utter priority during this time. Nonetheless I will be in contact with Mr Barry and Mr Fernandez and other staff over the course of the week.


Please be advised that most schools are now not conducting School Camps or if so with greatly reduced arrangements. Nevertheless, against the tide we are endeavouring to conduct a Year 5 Camp in late March and considering the possibility of a Camp for students in Years 3 & 4. Such events will be totally dependent on staff goodwill and preparedness to attend and the capacity for the Principal and /or Assistant Principal to be available.


Student Achievement and Individual Education Plans

Please be advised that in the coming weeks class teachers will be in contact with parents where their child has had an Individual Education Plan in 2022. Our teaching staff will be reviewing these documents, the goals and priorities established and the approaches we believe are necessary in 2023. This will involve meeting with parents or making contact through WebEx to progress matters. Please be advised that our Assistant Principals Georgie Kirwan and myself will be monitoring these Individual Education Plans across the school and look forward to the progress and achievements our students will make over the period.


Traffic and use of Pedestrian Crossing

For those students and parents using the Weybridge Street Crossing on Tuesday 31st January they would have been bedazzled by the vivid yellow and needed repairs undertaken by the City of Boroondara in recent days. We are highly appreciative of the works undertaken here as the potholes and uneven edges were posing a serious danger to those using the crossing. We are also grateful for the marvellous advocacy and diligence taken by our Crossing Supervisor Mrs Helen Reilly to get this important project to fruition.


Canteen at Chatham

What an extraordinary facility and opportunity this is for our students, parents and community. Our School Canteen will commence on Friday 10th February. Again, we are delighted to have Jo Paterson as our Canteen Manager who is assisted and supported by Ms Belinda Dalton. In time there will be a modified menu which will be placed on QKR. We are further delighted that our Canteen will be open on Wednesdays as well as Fridays from the week beginning Monday 13th February. Again, we continue to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students but rely heavily upon volunteers to assist us. Your support and assistance is greatly needed and appreciated.


Again, there is so much to communicate at this time. Schools such as Chatham are dynamic and exceptionally vibrant places and whilst we will endeavour to communicate in a timely manner it is not always possible, particularly where other schools are involved in common events or opportunities which could highly benefit our student arrive at short notice.


Regardless we are moving to extraordinary places in 2023.


Thank you again,


Christopher Cotching
