Faith and Mission

Faith & Mission Reflection

The 2023 school year has begun and as always, the teaching staff gathered for our opening mass. There we heard the story of the mustard seed. The Parable of the Mustard Seed is a short one: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches” 


Staff were reminded, as all of us are, that as the Church started from the humble beginning of the death of Christ, so too can we, have humbling, powerful effects on the lives of our students. Teachers are called to recognise their role like the mustard seed and provide growth, strength, support and acceptance. Teachers rarely see the fruits of their labour – but they are planting the seeds of knowledge, of hope and inspiration for the future lives of their students. Parents have of course the most significant role to play as primary care givers and are able to witness the young men they become. The College looks forward to a successful year of nurturing and growing the seeds intrusted to us.

Whole School Mass

Next week, Tuesday 14 February is significant for many reasons. Firstly, we will hold our opening whole school mass for the year. This will begin at 9:30am and will conclude with a morning tea thanks to our amazing Mazza Mums. The 14th is also the College’s birthday, as the school first opened it’s doors on14 February 1966, 57 years ago. The College will celebrate with a cake at morning tea and all students will receive an icy pole at lunch.


All members of the Mazenod community, especially parents, are welcome to attend. We will also formally present our student leaders their badges and special commitments are made by staff and students.

Morning Masses and Ash Wednesday

Mass is celebrated in the chapel every morning at 8:00am, except Wednesdays, being 8:10am. Everyone is warmly invited. This week was dedicated to the Year 9 year group. Wednesday 22nd will be for Year 11s. This is also Ash Wednesday and ashes will be distributed to forms during the morning after mass.

Parent Information Night

Thank you to the parents and members of Mazza Mums and the Parents Association who helped with the sausage sizzle on the Parent Information night. It was very much appreciated. Thank you also to a number of student volunteers.


We managed to raise $219 for the Oblate missions. If you wish to directly make a contribution to the Oblate missions, please visit:

Remembering the Sick or Passed Members of Our Community

Should you wish to have prayers said for a family member or friend, or an anniversary is coming up, we can publish their names in our school newsletter. The names will also be mentioned at our morning masses.


Please contact Mr John Keogh should you wish to add a name:

Christian Service Learning

The College is in the process of formalising and more clearly defining CSL. You will find more information about this in the coming weeks, so please watch this space.

Flower Roster Volunteers


John Keogh

Director of Faith and Mission (acting)