Basketball Club

Mazenod Junior Basketball Club

Meet the New MBJC Committee

We would like to welcome the committee for 2023!


President: Brett Scarey

Secretary: Katie Canham

Team Coordinator: Eloise Scott

Property: Kieran Stack / Simon de Serville

Communications: Vicki Ryan

Treasurer: VACANT

Registrar: VACANT

Uniforms: VACANT

Events: VACANT

General Committee: Sarah ColeSimon de Serville


If you are interested in any of the vacant positions or becoming a general committee member, please contact the president on

Opening Week – Season 1, 2023

Welcome to Week 1 of the Season 1, 2023 and welcome back to existing and new players of MJBC!


Unfortunately, we had to close registrations early this season due to limited playing positions and teams available. MJBC were able to secure 32 teams, with just over 250 registered players. The new age groups also made our jobs a little harder, trying to juggle players and teams around, trying to ensure that existing teams were kept together and accommodating new players and trying to meet everyones playing requirements. 


MJBC would like to thank all parents and players for their patience during this time, and hopefully we were able to meet most requirements. A big thank you also to the teams that were willing to take extra players, ensuring that we could get as many players on the court as possible.


Over the next few weeks, there may still be some minor changes within teams and divisions but hopefully not too many. If your son missed out registering this season please let me know and we can put them on a waiting list as sometimes we do have players withdraw.


Once again thank you to all parents, managers and coaches that have volunteered their time to help the boys get onto the court and a really big thank you to the committee who have put in a huge amount of time preparing for the season.


Please feel free to send through any photos of players and teams throughout the season so we can place them onto our Facebook page and also the newsletter. Please send them through to


'Mazza Bulls after their first win'


'Mazenod Boarders waiting to head to their game'

Increase in Game Fees

Please note that the weekly game fees will increase to $9.00 per game as from 2023.

A prepaid card can be purchased from KDBA, which allows you to preload money so you will not need to carry cash each week.

Training Bags

For those teams that have not received their training bags as yet we are still waiting for the new ones to arrive. Once these arrive we will contact you for collection. 


In the meantime if you need balls for training please let the Property Coordinator and the President know and we will get you the balls ASAP, contact or if you have any further questions.


All players are now required to wear the new uniform. The 2 year phase in period agreement with KDBA ceases at the end of this season. Please also remind the players that they must wear their white sport socks (or plain white socks) for all games.


We will be placing another order Friday 10 February so if your son requires a new uniform, please contact Larisa on: Families are welcome to try sizes on before purchasing.


The Local Shack Team Vouchers

The Local Shack has kindly sponsored KDBA by providing each Mazenod eam with a Local Shack Voucher to giveaway over the 16 week season. All managers/coaches will receive these in the next week and its up to that team’s manager/coach on how they would like to present these. 


For the team managers if you have not as yet received yours please let Eloise know on and we will arrange to get them to you.

Thank you to KDBA and The Local Shack for their support.

Game Fixtures - PlayHQ

Just a friendly reminder – during the first few weeks, please check PlayHQ regularly for your teams game fixtures as they may change last minute during this time.

Important Links

Send in your team and game shots to:


 Check us out by clicking the image below.


Vicki Ryan

Communications Manager