VET Pathways & WPL

VET Pathways & Workplace Learning

Our SEQTA portal 'Careers and Workplace Learning News (' is updated regularly with events, current casual jobs, apprenticeships, courses and support for students at Mazenod. Parents/guardian & students are encouraged to check this portal weekly as we update regularly.


Welcome back to what should be an exciting 2023.  Congratulations to the 72 Year 11 &12 students who have been accepted into a one day a week course with an outside provider. I look forward to the boys advancing their skills and enriching their knowledge. See the list below of the enrolled courses;










Cert II


Drone Flying

Autonomous Workplace Operations


Civil Construction/Resources/Infrastructure

Animal Studies


Cert III

Engineering (Technical)

Screen & Media


Applied Health


Cert IV






Diploma of Sports



Five boys of our boys are successfully enrolled in a Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway-Trades-Carpentry) at SkillsHire in Forrestfield.  Once accepted all the boys applied for a scholarship through the Construction Training Fund and have all been accepted.  Not only does this give them links directly to the industry there are numerous other benefits such as;

  • Fees, enrolment and resource costs for courses with a partner Registered Training Organisation.
  • Uniforms, including personal protective safety equipment and clothing.
  • Work experience.
  • Regular mentoring by industry experts.
  • Skills enrichment workshops including subjects to help you get job-ready such as communication and interview skills, as well as presentations from current and past apprentices.
  • Advice about careers and pathways.
  • Meetings with industry employers.
  • Regular reports to parents and schools.

The most exciting thing for the students and families who are a part of the CTF have their driver’s license and lessons paid for.  For further information about the scholarships that are on offer visit this website.


We are so proud of three of our Year 11 ex-I&E students have been accepted into the Motivation Foundation in the Swan Valley. They will be completing a Certificate II in Civil Construction, Infrastructure and Resources they to fall under the CTF Scholarship Program, not only do they benefit from this program like the boys at Skills Hire they also have their $3000 fees paid for.


 Being apart of the CTF program will also allow for the boys to be nominated for industry awards and further recognition. For further details on the program click here.

We would also like to congratulate one of our Year 12 students who has been selected to participate in the Roy Hill VET work placement program in partnership with the Master Plumbers Association. Not only will this student gain his Pre-Apprenticeship while completing Year 12 he will be completing three paid holiday work experiences at the Roy Hill Mine Site during his school holidays. It is an amazing experience for him and look forward to sharing his experiences.

Workplace Learning

Workplace Learning (WPL) is an integral part of the Year 11/12 General studies. During work placement, employers supervise the students as they practice and extend their skills.

Students benefit from Work Placement because they:

  • experience real work situations
  • have access to industry standard facilities, equipment and experienced staff
  • develop self-confidence, skills and understandings that will assist their transition from school to work.
  • gain skills, such as communication, following instructions, workplace safety that can be transferred between workplaces
  • get to ‘try out an industry’ before committing to a specific career or industry
  • improve their employability by gaining industry experience
  • gain contacts within the industry who may help in the future with finding fulltime employment.

Workplace Learning Dates 2023

Year 10 I&E

Term One - Week 9

Monday 27th April until Friday 31st April


Term Two - Week 8

Monday 12th June until Friday 16th June


Term Three - Week 9

Monday 11th Sep until Friday 15th Sep


Term Four - Week 8

Monday 27th Nov until Friday 30th Nov



Year 11

Term Two - Week 6 & 7

Monday 22nd May until Thurs 1st June


Term Four – Week 6 & 7

Monday 13th- Fri 24th Nov


Year 12

Term Two - Week 6 & 7

Monday the 22nd May until Thursday 1st June


Term Four – Week 1 & 2

Monday 9th- Thur 19th Oct


Lauren Johnson

VET and WPL Coordinator