Embracing the new, vertical House System at Mount Alvernia College

2023 commenced with a momentous change to the pastoral development of our young people. Rather than students moving from year level to year level each year, all Mount Alvernia students will thrive within one of six Houses. The House names - Belle Prairie, Greccio, Perugia, Rieti, Spoleto and Villa Spada - are steeped in the values of their patrons, St Francis, St Clare and Elizabeth Hayes. 


There are multiple benefits with this new structure. The Head of House will know the story of every student to build their sense of belonging. They will have high expectations of students and their academic endeavours and use data to monitor progress and growth. They will liaise with families to build the three-way partnership between the student, family and college. Families have one Head of House as their contact person for all enrolled children for their entire Mt A journey.  This ensures every student is visible, valued and supported. 


Each House has nine Homerooms with approximately 20 students across Years 7 to 12. Every morning, Homeroom time allows student connection within their year level, above or below. Guided by the Homeroom Mentor Teacher, Seniors develop their leadership and nurturing skills; Year 11 Ambassadors mentor their Year 7 buddy; and students assist each other with organisation and friendships. Fortnightly House Assemblies allow success – both inside and outside of Mt A – to be celebrated.  House culture drives school engagement and spirited interhouse activities foster participation, teamwork and a yearning to deliver best outcomes. 


Heads of House share their office space in Student Services with three important departments: The Deans of Teaching and Learning – Transition and Outcomes; Counselling; and Learning Enhancement. Their proximity to each other means all students are fully supported in their pastoral, academic and emotional needs. 

The Heads of House each run their House Assemblies and activities in ways that are unique to them. Each House has a theme for the year and students are encouraged to embrace these messages delivered in Homerooms and House Assemblies. In 2023, our themes are: 


Belle Prairie Power:  It is a call for every member of the House to embrace ourselves and each other, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie before us. 


Greccio GEMs: Greccio House are drawing on the expertise of Hugh Cuylenburg’s best-selling book, The Resilience Project. Through gratitude, empathy and mindfulness, students are encouraged to live their best life every day and to seek and celebrate the ‘dis’ moments.  


Perugia Proud: Perugia House is building a culture we can be proud of; with our hustle and heart setting us apart. It is a term we use often to describe anything we attempt throughout our Mount Alvernia journey. We must be courageous enough to give everything a go, and do not settle for anything less than going all out.  




Rise of Rieti: In 2023 our culture is all about lifting each other up. Through learning from each other, challenging each other and celebrating each other every student in Rieti is on a journey of aspiration and improvement of their whole self.  

Spoleto SPARK: SPARK is an acronym that stands for spirit, pluck, attitude, respect and kinship. This term we have narrowed our focus to the ‘S’ in SPARK with the House working together to first understand and then build spirit. 

Villa Spada Going Forth Without Fear: Calls every member of the Villa Spada family to launch themselves into every educational activity – be it academic, co or extra-curricular – feeling confident as their authentic selves.