Senior Drama

Students in the Senior Drama are studying the style Theatre of Social Comment and viewing and deconstructing the Australian play War Crimes by Angela Betzien. For Assessment IA2 Project- Dramatic Concept, students write an analysis of this professional performance to identify political purpose and how style conventions and elements of drama are manipulated to communicate the dramatic meaning. 


Part B of the task is devising storyboards of dramatic action and writing justification of their directorial decisions. Class members participate as actors to create the  freezeframe images of dramatic action for every student. The photos show some freeze frames constructed in class practical learning experiences to conceptualise socio-political issues that are being explored. 

Student Reflection

Learning about conventions of political theatre for me is a way to comment on our society and express our emotions in a way that influences our society to think about their actions and change the way they react to the differences in community.

- Schylar