NAPLAN Information for Year 3 and 5 students

This year our students in years 3 and 5 will take part in NAPLAN online.  The Online test provides more precise results and has a more engaging platform for students.


Naplan assesses students' Literacy and Numeracy skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy.


Schedule for NAPLAN at St Joseph's: 

15th March - Writing for year 3 and 5.  (year 3 pencil and paper test and year 5 computer).  This is scheduled for 9am


16th March - Reading (online for year 3&5) scheduled for 9am


16th March - Conventions of Language (online for year 3&5) scheduled for 11:50am


17the March - Numeracy (online for year 3&5) scheduled for 9am



If any students are absent for assessments, there are scheduled catch up sessions in the following week.


Please read through the information on the parent information sheet via the button below.