Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

Wow! Three weeks down into Term 1 already! It has been amazing seeing so many kids come to school looking so happy and excited to be back for another day of learning. Out on the playground we have seen so many wonderful friendships and connections developed and it has been lovely seeing children of all ages playing together in our beautiful playgrounds. 

PBL- Positive Behaviours for Learning

This term for our PBL we have been focusing on Whole Body listening and treating others with Kindness. This Friday the 17th of February is random acts of kindness day! We love promoting being kind in the classroom as well as on the playground! 


We have seen lots of great kindness around the stick area this week and next week we will be continuing to show this as we focus our attention on looking at how we can share better and work together to use resources to create our bases. The week after we will be continuing to look at how we can be a part of the group plan and follow instructions. 


Here are some student shout-outs for the kindness they have shown this week:


Archer Przestaszewski


For being kind to his friends in class time by encouraging them to try their best!

Mackenzie Grayling

For helping lots of other kids during class time and ensuring they know what they need to be doing. She has been an excellent classroom helper!

Harpa Kennedy 

For showing amazing kindness to her Foundation buddy  Spencer! Harpa is a fantastic role model to her buddy and is always around helping him on the playground!

Ivy Bradley 

For offering to join in on a gaga game with a student who wanted to play. Ivy was so happy and willing to go and play with him that it made several other students follow along and join in too!

Isabella Tran

For inviting other students to join her base in the stick area!

Blake Palmer

For helping a friend of his who was upset over their toy breaking. Blake comforted them and even offered to bring in one of his from home!

Joe Bradshaw

For setting up a new base in the stick area with lots of different people! Joe was showing other students how to make certain things and encouraging them to help set up their bases!

Sam Darveniza 

For standing up for others and being a great friend!

Ethan Tran


For being an excellent help to his buddy during our games afternoon on Wednesday whilst teachers had their interviews!

Kindness at home

Check out these awesome resources that are great for showing kindness at home! There are heaps of free resources and even a kindness challenge book! 


Resources and community events

Parenting Anxious Children

Does your child worry, feel anxious and seem stressed at times?

Would you like to gain a greater understanding of anxiety and learn some helpful strategies to support your child?

This community webinar session will cover:

-Understanding the role of anxiety and normal childhood development

-The signs and symptoms in your children

-Types of anxiety disorders

-What’s helpful and not helpful

-Methods and strategies to support your children

-Relaxation techniques and tools, mindfulness, breathing etc.

-Where to go for more information/help


Presented by Anxiety Recovery Centre and in partnership with Yarra Ranges Council.


Wednesday 22 February 2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM 




Please contact me if you ever need me-