Year 7 and 8 

A peek into the student lives of our year 7 and 8 students this term

Welcome to our year 7 Students  🏫

Our Year 7 students have had a great start to Term 1, particularly supported by a smooth transition with our LP7 start-up program, assisting students in preparing for high school.


Students are already preparing for the year ahead by learning to use the College diary correctly, being well-organised for classes, wearing their uniform with pride and speaking to teachers regarding schoolwork and extra-curricular activities. The Year 7 teachers are very impressed with how well students have transitioned, in addition, they are very excited about the level of engagement across all classes. 


Over the past few weeks, there have been many sporting activities, clubs, outdoor chess and down ball competitions at Brunch and Break 2. Week 1 included their first high school assembly and introductions to the Junior school staff and student leadership teams. Week 2 students participated in Project Rocket and Emergency Evacuation Drill.


Thank you to all parents and guardians who attended the Year 7 Interviews with Significant Teachers on Monday 30 January. Students have recently completed a Student Voice Survey, to provide staff with insight into student learning, clubs and activities. We look forward to a big year ahead!


This cohort has started the year off with exciting activities- and there's more to come! Check out some photographs below 👇🏻

Project Rockit 🚀

On Tuesday 7 February, Year 7 students were joined by presenters from Project Rocket, aiming to empower students to create a culture that challenges bullying, online and in person. Presenters Hannah and Carly educated students to take action and unite together, instead of standing by. The big idea: Every single one of us can choose to be part of the solution when it comes to tackling bullying, even in the smallest and simplest ways. Project Rockit’s Theory of Change is built on the premise that young people can and must be empowered as young leaders on issues that affect them most. 

Year 7 Philip Island Camp  🏖

On 22-24 February, Year 7 students went to Phillip Island Adventure Resort. It was a long drive but well worth the scenery, warm weather, and fun! 


Over the course of the 3 days, students got to experience a range of activities. Smith’s Beach was a hit, students swam, surfed and played with their friends. Our night activities featured a professional DJ for some disco fun, cinematic experience and board games. Day rotations enabled students to enjoy a dip in the resort’s swimming pool and partake in a range of adventure activities including the flying fox, archery, raft making and more. 

Year 7 camp was a great experience for students and staff. What a great way to start the year! 

Check out some photographs below👇🏻

Year 8 Transition

Year 8 students have transitioned out of the LP7 program very well. They are modelling our College Values well and have truly set a good example for our Year 7 students. Year 8 brings an exciting journey, with new subjects on offer, camp and exciting cohort competitions! 


Students are currently in the process of preparing for their 3-day camp at Forest Edge. The three-day camp will involve a number of fun and engaging activities. This important event provides opportunities for students to build positive relationships with their peers and teachers. It is expected that all students attend the camp. 


Brainstorm- a live performance

Coming up is an incursion by an external provider, Brainstorm. A live performance for students, exploring cyberbullying and mental health and provides strategies for resilience, help-seeking and positive relationships.