Student Leadership

Student Leadership


The student leadership team have hosted their first meeting this term and has planned a significant number of areas of focus and initiatives students will be leading this. The student leadership group is open to all members of the study body to contribute to school improvement. The group meets in P8 every second Thursday.


The sustainability team is beginning its first initiative - GOOS (or Good On One Side) paper. Across the school and around printers, there are in-trays with a picture of a clip art goose. If the printer misbehaves or you end up with spare papers after printing an activity, please drop the paper in one of those in-trays. This paper can be used by both staff and students when needed as an attempt to reuse some of our paper resources.


Also, if you are interested in joining the sustainability team as we embark on our journey to make Sunbury College a ResourceSmart School, please get in touch with our Sustainability Captain Austyn Edwards. To find out more about the ResourceSmart School initiative, click the link below👇🏻