Learning Updates

- School of Innovation

School of Innovation

It was wonderful to have a School of Innovation Assembly together on the 24th February. Students were attentive and engaged as we spoke about ways we collaborate and work together to achieve the best outcomes for all. We spoke about what our expectations look like in practice and how important they are to ensure we create and provide a safe, supportive and thriving learning environment. 


We are so proud of our Years 7, 8 and 9 students as we continue our Term 1 learning experiences and strengthen as a school community. 

Year 7

New Year – New School


Year 7’s reflect on what starting Year 7 has been like: 


Harleen: 'Starting in Year 7 was a different experience than primary school. Primary school had classes that were easy to locate but in St Anne’s everything is in one building and it’s harder to locate the next classes we have to attend. The good thing about St Anne’s is that we meet before classes and that we have books assigned to our different classes'.


 Ahmed: "My first day of school was pretty good. I found St Anne’s very impressive. I was so happy to be at this school. The first 3 weeks were not so bad. Every day school gets harder and harder, but you get used to it. The teachers are very nice and so are my friends. If you have good friends you won’t have any problems, but just don’t talk to them in class when the teacher is talking".


 Sukh Seerat Khehra: "My first 2 weeks at St Anne’s have been great. Starting Year 7 was a bit confusing, but now that everything is covered, Year 7 at St Anne's has been really fun and exciting. I really enjoy coming to school everyday, and love meeting my teachers. 


My all time favourite subject is definitely art and my favourite teacher is, NISHA! Walking Macy has been a great joy, even though she will only go wherever she wants. I’ve met new people, and made new friends.


Overall, my first 2 weeks at St. Anne’s has been AMAZING!"


AJ: "My year so far at St Anne's has been a delight. I have made new friends and have been a lot more communicative. So far the work hasn’t been that hard, but I believe it will gradually get harder in the year. I’m sure that we will learn new subjects later in the year. This school is a lot more spacious than it looks, the new subjects have been very interesting, and it is very busy. Still trying to get used to the time table".


 Blake: "So far, in the few weeks we have been here, it has been wonderful because of all the new and different things that we’ve been doing. Such as harder work, we’ve been learning about new subjects, having fun and exploring the new learning spaces. This has also been very nerve racking as this is a new school. But overall an amazing start of the year".

Year 8


Over the first few weeks, our Year 8's have been engaging in a variety of Inquiry topics in their subjects to encourage and foster curiosity, excitement and engagement. We have been making connections between our subjects and our lives, and enjoying settling back into our environment and learning spaces at St Anne’s. We are applying concepts and information in a variety of ways and really beginning to explore our class novel. 

Year 9


Over the last few weeks, our Year 9 inquirers engaged in content around stereotypes and prejudice, reflecting on some stereotypes of people from the Baby Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z generations, and began to think about what they want their Generation to be known for. Eventually the Year 9's came to the conclusion that all of the stereotypes that they want to be known for fall under the banner of each of our School Wide Expectations of 'Being our Best', 'Helping others to Succeed', and 'Respecting Everyone and Everything'! 


- Rachelle Chapman, School of Innovation Leader