Learning Updates -

School of Wonder

School of Wonder

Opening School Mass

Our opening School Mass was a beautiful way to welcome parents, new and returning students and staff to our college. Students enjoyed the experience and embraced the opportunity to share in prayer and song, celebrating St Anne’s College in a respectful manner. Thank you to all members of our wider school community who were able to attend and we look forward to further whole school Masses and sharing them with                                                                                        many more of you.

Swimming Sports


Congratulations and well done to the students from our Year ¾ area, who attended and participated in our swimming sports. Marian Segrave (3/4 Learning Mentor) reported that all students who attended were exceptional in their swimming and gave their best.


Activities afternoon

Our activity afternoon was a wonderful opportunity for students to get to know their house colors and to participate in active play with each other. This afternoon was a joyful experience for our students and staff. Laughter, smiles and dancing were evidence of just how important events like this are. Students were at their best, demonstrating respect and allowing others to succeed as they completed various activities.Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend and support this afternoon and our students. 

Curriculum / Learning Update

Learning Mentors and students continue getting to know each other with a strong focus on our School Values: Respect, Be Your Best and Allow others to Succeed. Students are encouraged to uphold our School Values through everything we do everyday. 


A strong focus for all students in Term 1, Numeracy is place value and number sense. Students are building their understanding of how numbers work through investigative style tasks. A strong emphasis is placed upon building vocabulary and explaining one’s thinking.

In Literacy, students are building their understanding of how sounds and words work through explicit teaching and investigations. 


- Megan Shiner, School of Wonder Leader