Principal's Report
Alec Baroni - Acting Principal
Principal's Report
Alec Baroni - Acting Principal
On Wednesday morning the yard was awash with excitement as the 5/6 students and teachers prepared to head away to Waratah Beach Camp. The students will enjoy a range of experiences as a part of the Marlborough Primary camping program, with surfing, adventure activities and campfire fun. I made a visit to the campers yesterday and they were certainly having a wonderful time creating kites and surfing up a storm. I would like to thank Pippa Davis and Sheena Cronin for all of their hard work in organising the event and ensuring all 5/6 students have an amazing, fun-filled camp.
We have been fortunate enough to have gained some sponsorship support from two local organisations, the Ringwood RSL and the Rotary Club of Maroondah, who (combined) have generously donated close to $1600 to go towards supporting students attending this year's 3/4 and 5/6 camps. These generous donations have provided support to numerous students to ensure that they do not miss out on such a fantastic experience. On behalf of the entire Marlborough Primary Community, I would like to thank both the Ringwood RSL and the Maroondah Rotarians for their amazing support of MPS students and their families.
On Tuesday 8th November we are celebrating everyone who is unique and different. We will be asking students to dress in purple, traditional or special clothing. There will be a picnic on the oval with the whole school and we will be having a fundraiser with money raised being used to increase the range of diverse literacy resources in the classroom libraries.
On Friday 11th November, the school will be having a Pupil Free Professional Practice Day. This day will enable staff to work together and moderate student work samples to ensure assessments remain rigorous and comprehensive; as well as upskilling and completing professional learning. Camp Australia is running a program for families that require care on that day - See Camp Australia update for more information.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, we are well into planning for the 2023 school year. If you know that your child will not be at Marlborough next year (other than our Year 6 students) please let the office know as soon as possible.
Each year families are invited to submit a request for consideration for student placement for the following school year. These requests must be educationally based, families cannot make requests for specific friends or teachers. If you believe you have such a request I ask that you email me by November 4th.
If you have made a request in the past and believe that the need is still current you are asked to make the request again.
Please note that all requests are considered in our student placement process but are not always able to be granted.
If you have a younger sibling who will be attending Marlborough Primary next year their enrolment should be into school by now. Enrolment forms can be accessed on our website and emailed into
As always, if you have any questions, queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me by phone at the school or via email at
Have a fantastic week!
Alec Baroni
Acting Principal