Foundation Students

Celebrating our  fabulous Foundies!

FA - Miss Zoe

We have been revising shapes. Students have been involved in naming, sorting, identifying features and playing with shapes. For a fun lesson, we created shape monsters and counted how many of each shape were used. Good work, Lachie!


Oscar has been working hard on his writing skills and this is his best effort ever! Oscar has come so far in the year and his confidence during writing sessions is a highlight. Great effort buddy! So proud of you.

FB - Miss Deacon

In Foundation B students still love to do a recount of their weekends! They always get so excited to ‘turn and talk’ to a partner about what fun things they got up to! Their writing has improved so much over the year and a doing the weekly recounts really shows their growth. Have a read of Nikhil’s writing about his swimming experience and Anthony’s writing about his birthday below.

This week in FB students started a new topic on Money! Wow what fun it is to talk about it, they looked at all the Australian coins and discussed the pictures and value of each one. Then the magic happened.. students were taught about coin rubbing and what fun they had! Take a look at Olive and Layla’s awesome work below! 

FC - Miss Ady

In Foundation this last few weeks we have been revising our knowledge of different shapes and their properties. We had lots of fun creating some shape monsters and calculating how many shapes we used. Here is a fantastic monster made by Sam T.

We have also loved being so creative during our writing time and now making up our own stories.

Here Lila C has created a fabulous story using Possum Magic as her inspiration. Well done Lila!