Vocational Major Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a successful start to Step Up with all students working towards their Learning Outcomes. The teaching team have been busy planning excursions and incursions that link to the study designs as well as different and engaging methods of assessment.
Thanks to everyone who attended the information night last night. The presentation will be shared with all parents shortly. Please note that students should be finding a work placement (SWL) or a School Based Apprenticeship (SBAT). We are hoping all students will have this locked away by 9th February 2023. If students are struggling to find a work placement please get in contact with their Mentor or the careers office. I have included some opportunities below:
Plumbing in Cranbourne and Dromana (see JWA or careers)
Building and construction Cranbourne west , Langwarrin south, Mornington (see JWA or careers)
www.workplacements.education.vic.gov.au - SWL Statewide portal
Endota Wellness (see JWA or careers)
Hairdressing Cheltenham (See JWA or careers - or Sarina Russo Website)
MEGT Careers Hub website have some SBATs
Chef at Beretta's (see JWA or careers)
Parks and Gardens
ACRT Solid Surface Fabricators (see JWA)
Timber Flooring (see JWA or careers office)
Carpentry 1st Year Apprentice (see JWA, careers or Sarina Russo website)
Danny's Flash Roofing 1st Year Apprentice (see JWA)
Frankston Mornington Peninsula Jobs (www.fmpjobs.com.au)
MEGT Careers Hub website advertise jobs regularly
Paradigm Roofing Apprenticeship (see JWA or careers)
Junior Receptionist Endeavor Group Seaford (see JWA or Katie Wilkinson)
Painting (see JWA, Mr Ferra or Careers)