Round the classes
Reception class: Katie
Over the past few weeks the Receptions have been consolidating their knowledge of the sounds taught so far this year. We have been learning how to write and read longer words. We have also been writing narrative stories and on Monday we attempted to write our own poem.
In maths we have been learning the difference between left and right. We have also started to learn about data and have even started collecting our data.
As part of HASS we have been learning about mapping and the different symbols used to represent areas on a map. We have also been learning about how to have conversations with other people and the art of active listening.
This week, we are really excited about welcoming next year's receptions to the school.
Year 1/2 classes: Sam and Kelly
What a busy two weeks we have had! Last week we participated in our school Sports Day on the town oval which was a wonderful event for everyone involved. Kelly and Sam are incredibly proud of all Year 1/2 children as they aimed high to achieve their personal Sports Day goals. We witnessed character strengths on the day of 'Teamwork', 'Perseverance', 'Fairness' and 'Bravery'. Congratulations to all students, and a big thank you to parents and caregivers who helped us out and supported on the day!
In maths, Kelly's class has been completing their topic on shapes and have had lots of fun creating 3D shapes for display in the classroom. Sam's class has been learning about the relationship between multiplication and repeated addition. They have also been on an 'array' hunt around the school searching for arrays in real life scenarios.
In English, the Year 1/2 classes have been continuing learning new sounds, focusing on beginning, middle and end sounds, blending the sounds together and forming the sounds correctly. The students have been engaging in dictation and sentence writing using new vocabulary. Kelly's class has been using the iPads to create a digital persuasive text about a new food they have invented. Sam's class has been revising nouns, verbs and adjectives and continue to work on their information reports.
We are looking forward to a wonderful end to the year together and have many fun activities planned in the coming weeks. Please continue to encourage your child to read aloud and record their reading in their yellow reading log each evening. We ask that all readers and library books please be returned to school by Friday of Week 7. Thank you for your support.
Year 3/4 class: Stephen and Henry
In our class we have continued to explore different media for creating art works. This week we used watercolour paints. Our success criteria was to draw a simple picture using a black text and to then paint it in. We explored how to mix different colours to suit our pictures. The examples shown illustrate our success.
We have also spent some time investigating stronger words/vocabulary for our persuasive writing. Our first step was to use these words in individual sentences before attempting to place them into a full persuasive text.
We enjoyed our excursion to Old Tailem Town. We found it interesting to see first-hand what colonial Australian life was like. Thank you to Alister, Simon and Angela for coming along to help.
Year 3/4 class: Alex
In mathematics students have been reflecting upon their progress toward and achievement of their goals in the area of division. Students have also been exploring a range of data displays and interpreting information on graphs.
In Design and Technology students have been working toward a design brief in which they need to build a simple machine using pneumatics or hydraulics that can pick up a rare dinosaur egg (ping pong ball) from an excavation site and transport it to a safe location. Students have been collaborating with a partner or group to design, plan, revise and construct their machines using a range of materials including Lego, K’nex, pop sticks, cardboard syringes, tubing, pipe cleaners, cable ties, wire and glue.
In English students have been revising and editing their informative writing pieces, adding relevant pictures, diagrams and captions. Students have been enjoying their reading groups, delving into the deeper meaning of shared texts and unpacking vocabulary and literal and inferred meaning together.
On Sports Day our class were encouraging and supportive of their classmates, cheering on each other and putting their best effort into every event to earn points for their team!
A highlight of our fortnight has been our excursion to Old Tailem Town in Week 6. The students stepped back in time to experience what school was like in an Australian pioneer village. Their hand cleanliness was checked and then they saluted and listened to ‘God Save the Queen’. They then marched into the old school house and listened to stories and descriptions of what school life was like. The rest of the day was spent exploring the historical village, hunting for the answers to questions about the differences between modern day living and pioneer life evidenced in the old artefacts displayed in each building around the town. Thanks again to Alyssa and Ian who joined us as our parent supervisors for the day.
Indonesian : Ibu Susan
In Indonesian the younger classes have learnt about the beautiful cenderawasih ( the bird of paradise) that live in Irian Jaya. We watched videos showing the stunning male birds dancing and flashing their magnificent feathers. We also saw how thick and wet the tropical rainforest is. The students then designed their own cenderawasih.
Lego League
On Sunday 20th November Year 5/6 students from Uraidla competed at the 2022 Torrens Park Regional Lego League Competition at Scotch College. This year’s theme was super powered with a focus on renewable energy and how we store energy in our daily lives. Students were involved in Robot Design, Robot Games, creating an innovation project, solving a current problem with energy whilst demonstrating the Lego League Core Values. All students involved were extremely persistent and worked through many challenges on the day. It was a fantastic day out for all involved with lots of learning. We hope to put in another team next year and build on the learning from this year.