Sherryn Martin
Year 11 YLC / DEAP Coordinator / HPV Team Manager
HPV Camp report
The Human Powered Vehicle Team participated in the Energy Breakthrough from Thursday 17 November to Sunday 20 November. This year two teams attended the race. Storm participated in display and presentation, design and construction/scrutineering, obstacle course, time trial and an 8-hour endurance race Avalanche participated in display and presentation, design and construction/scrutineering and a 24-hour endurance race.
The team arrived in Maryborough and set up camp Thursday morning. Storm then participated in display and presentation (pictured below), design and construction and scrutineering.
Friday saw Avalanche doing their display and presentation (pictured below), scrutineering and design and construction with Storm participating in the obstacle course, and time trial. Storm came first in their heat of the obstacle course.
On Saturday, racing commenced at 1:00 pm (24 -hour race) and 2:00 pm (8 hour race). Sadly, Storm’s 8-hour race was cancelled at 5:30 pm due to the approaching weather. Avalanche experienced two punctured tires, a broken steering arm and the race being stopped for 2 hours due to the weather. They finished the race in 48th place, completing 186 laps and riding an impressive 294km in 24 hours.
It was certainly an eventful Thursday to Sunday and would not have been the success it was if not for the resilience of the students (they didn’t complain once) or the amazing staff that came along. Luke Scott, Darcy Cropp, Isobel Peter and Callum Good, thank you. I would also like to thank Nick for coming and supporting the team Friday, the students loved seeing him there. We also had past students Lachlan and Thomas Grantham and Ben Shanahan and many parents come and support the team, which the students greatly appreciated.
Listed below are the amazing students involved in this program. They all memorised speeches, along with the technical components of their trikes and the race. They set up and packed up camp multiple times, walked through ankle deep mud, rode their hearts out and never put a foot wrong all weekend.
- Isha Arumuganathan
- Jack Ashely
- Luke Cazaly
- Liam Deller
- Emily Heitmann
- Heidi Issell
- William Issell
- Mackenzie Martin
- Zaylen Mercer
- Tanishka Negi
- Anna Pagtolon An
- Maria Pagtolon An
- Thomas Pagtolon An
- Jett Peart
- Logan Scott
- Adam Synot
- Anthony Traficante
- Joesph Traficante
- Aiden Veale
Moira Nunn
Design and Technology Manager
Arts and Technology Exhibition Awards
This year we were finally able to bring back the student exhibition over the week of the Multicultural Festival. After the last few years of restricted practical classes, it was great to showcase student work from across the Arts and Technology learning areas. The exhibition allowed students, families and the community to view and be inspired by the talented work of students from Studio Art, Visual Communication, Media and Wood Technology. Congratulations to all who participated in the exhibition, it was a great success.
Votes were cast for the best piece at the exhibition. Winners received a certificate along with $50 JB Hi-Fi voucher. Congratulations to the following award recipients whose work showcased the student’s creativity, technical skills, practical and folio excellence.
Visual Communication and Design Award
Wolf Young - Brand Identity and Clothing Design.
Ceylan Onturk - Architectural and Product Design.
Media Award
Patrick Sagar - Sports Photography
Wood Technology Award
Altan Onturk & Dylan Petrovski - Collaborative Wood project coffee table.
Studio Arts Award
Kumanan Vijayakumar - Year 11 Student
Congratulations to all winners and participants of the exhibition.
Vera Dudas
Multicultural Community Liaison Officer
Our final Multicultural Committee meeting for the year was held on Monday 7 November 2022, where we reflected on our grand achievements.
We celebrated the Multicultural Festival and are looking forward to coming back to continue this momentum into 2023 with even more exciting and innovative ideas and events.
The Multicultural Committee welcomed a new Event Coordinator for 2023, Ms Suzanne Henry. We are looking forward to having Suzanne on board at our Multicultural Committee meetings.
We have been honoured to have Ms Glenda McGrath as Event Coordinator and Committee Chair in 2022. The Committee and NGSC community appreciate and thank Ms McGrath for all her dedication and hard work. She has raised the bar yet again and is leaving huge shoes to fill to continue with events to honour the rich diversity of our community. Gratitude goes to all the Committee members: students, staff, parents and community representatives, together with our network of service providers, Danielle Parker and Titin Nyak, from COGG – Fort. Their remarkable dedication to supporting and developing our students in event planning and their overall commitment to the festival and other committee events has been invaluable. Also, a big thank you to Mrs. Barbara Peek, our honorary community member, who continues to provide support in retirement, diligently gracing us with her presence, as well as generously delivering much needed donations throughout the year for our needy and vulnerable students. A special thank you to our superb Multicultural Committee Secretary, Keir Osborne, for the timely delivery of the Minutes and willingly nominating to continue in this role for 2023.
This year we were also delighted to welcome our newest member Kathy Jonathan, parent and an award winning publisher of ‘Emergingbrandafrica’ magazine, we are looking forward to your continued support. Also, distinguished acknowledgment to Nestor Estampa and his organisation Catholic Care for their ongoing support with the CALD Parent Group, COGG’s L2P program, Multicultural Committee’s members and students’ in leadership, Yatana, Aetablay, Morsal, Nooria and many others over the years and, in particular, for this school year.
At the finale of the 2022 school year we wish the NGSC Year 12 student’s Multicultural Committee members, Morsal Bahadari, School Captains, Aetable Htoo and Martin Salazar, together with their peers, all the very best with their future endeavours as they step outside the gates for the last time at NGSC into the real world.
At the conclusion of a dynamic year, it is with great honour that I commend you all on your dedication to the Multicultural Committee in 2022 and wish each and every one of you all the very best for the end of this year and the festive season. I hope you can relax and above all stay healthy and safe. I look forward to seeing you all back in 2023.
Linda Castle
Japanese Teacher
2023 Model UN General Assembly Conference
Our school has been invited, in collaboration with our Sister Schools in Izumiotsu, Osaka, Japan, to participate in a unique opportunity with the United Nations Association of Australia (Victoria Division) (UNAAV). We are going to run a mock UN General Assembly Conference day at NGSC in February 2023, with our Sister School students joining us virtually.
Students will work in small groups and act as representatives of an assigned UN member country. These delegates step into the shoes of UN ambassadors from countries around the world and discuss contentious global issues – with the aim being to find the best possible solution through dialogue, negotiation and multilateral diplomacy. Students undertake their research guided by UNAAV information packs, and create position statements. A week before the virtual event delegates view the position statement speeches (prerecorded) and delegates can collate information about questions or comments they wish to direct to other countries on the day. Interactive caucus (discussion) and amendment sessions occur on the day, moderated by an experienced acting Secretary General. Through this program, students will develop skills in advocacy, collaboration, critical thinking and global citizenship. It is a fantastic opportunity and we are really looking forward to this event.We are planning for the program to run in February 2023 and it is open to any enrolled student at NGSC.
Any students interested in participating are invited to join the Google Classroom for the program with the code: btmxk7i
Further information is available from Ms Castle (Staff room 4, C corridor).
Japanese culture in the classroom
In recent weeks Years 7 through 9 have been exploring Japanese culture in the classroom through Japanese new year's cards, Japanese yurukyara investigation and creation (mascots), learning about yuurei and youkai in Japanese culture, and creating art and craft such as noutan (positive/negative space) pictures and otedama (small juggling balls).
Students have been really engaged with these cultural explorations, creating some great work. We have deepened our understanding of Japan's culture and thought about our own culture and how they connect.
The Japanese Film Festival
The Japanese Film Festival returns in 2022, running from 30 November to 4 December. Films will be screened at The Kino (Palace Cinemas, 45 Collins Street) in Melbourne, and at ACMI, Federation Square.
Films screened at The Kino and ACMI follow the attached schedule. Please check the website (https://japanesefilmfestival.net/films-schedule/?city=melbourne) for classification ratings. Tickets start at $20 Adult, $18 Concession, $16 JPF or Palace Cinema Members.
Please check the movie rating before buying tickets.