Steven Quinn
Middle Sub-School Manager
Exams and Reports
Year 7-10 exams have now come to an end and the Middle Sub School students are to be commended for their preparation and conduct during this time. Many of our Year 10 students also completed accelerated Unit 1 & 2 exams adding to their workload. It is essential that we continue to strive to achieve our best academically right up to the end of the year and on the whole our cohort has done exactly that. Exams are a great way of indicating how well we have performed throughout the semester in each subject and measuring our learning growth. Results from exams and other assessment tasks throughout the semester will be available on the Semester 2 reports which will be released soon on Compass. Please take the time to look through these with your students and reflect on successes and areas for improvement.
SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Strategy)
I am so proud of, and grateful for, the way the students at the Middle Sub School have conducted themselves this year in accordance with the positive actions outlined in our Behaviour Matrix. Every newsletter this year I have named and commended students who have strengthened our College community. In this newsletter I would like to draw attention to those students who have received the most positive acknowledgement entries on Compass throughout the year.
NAME | Number of Positive Entries |
Dayna Maring | 39 |
Reghan Briggs | 37 |
Dean Smilevski | 31 |
Jaxon Brideson | 30 |
Chelsea Orrock | 28 |
Lillah Bushell | 26 |
Zain Syed | 24 |
Marli Phillips | 24 |
Alex Tye | 24 |
Abishek Ranjithkumar | 24 |
NAME | Number of Positive Entries |
Damijela Vezmar | 18 |
Samuel Westerland | 17 |
Say They Paw Weh | 16 |
Dragana Vezmar | 15 |
Liam Deller | 15 |
Aiden Veale | 15 |
Evan Geoghegan | 15 |
Alasdair Tippett | 14 |
Banin Asghari | 14 |
Commencement and Activities
Some students have already been involved in commencement classes if they are moving into accelerated Unit 3 & 4 subjects and next week (week 9) sees the Year 11 2023 commencement program begin. All Year 10 students and those Year 9 students accelerating will need to view the commencement timetable on Google Classroom and ensure they know where they need to be and when. If anyone has any questions or concerns, they must speak to the Middle Sub School.
Activities week is the following week (week 10). If students from Year 9 are interested in getting involved in any of the activities, they need to come to the Middle Sub School and get an activities form and sign up on Compass.