Paul Dawson and Bradley Headlam
Brad Smallman and Sarah Bridges
Year 12 Graduation
‘Class of 2022’ Graduation was held on Tuesday 22 November at GMHBA stadium’s President’s Room. This was a celebration of the student achievements for 2022. It was an enormously gratifying ceremony that acknowledged not just this year but the full 13-year educational journey. It is hard to pinpoint all of the highlights, but the involvement of all of the students, in particular the school captains, generated significant school pride. Well done to the class of 2022 and all the best for your future endeavours. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces in the years to come as a part of the school alumni. Don't forget you will always be a part of the NGSC family.
Excellence in Sport (E.I.S.)
It was pleasing to see the attendance at last week's E.I.S. Information Evening. Information was provided on the Soccer, AFL and the new Volleyball Program which will begin at Year 11 and 12 level next year. The Volleyball Program will be run by Rob Straube, a former state representative and the current president of the Geelong Volleyball Association. Students can see Mr Siketa if they would like more information on this program.
Year 12 Exams
The last of the Unit 3-4 VCE exams were held on Wednesday 16 November. The students were extraordinarily committed to their studies. They diligently attended revision classes up to their exams and constantly sought the support of the teachers to aid their study.
Year 11 Exams
Wow! The effort in getting exam practice into our students in Years 7-10 is really proving to pay dividends. Students in the Year 11 exams were outstanding and, in addition to their behaviours, were prepared and organised themselves into the exam effectively.
Year 12 Commencement
Year 11 students commenced their Year 12 classes Monday 14 November. The program asked a bit more of teachers who are teaching their normal classes whilst introducing Unit 3 and 4 subjects. All teachers, where possible, were aligned with their classes that they will teach in 2023. It started smoothly on Monday 14 November and continued for two weeks, and we expect students to be engaged with some holiday homework for the summer to set them up for a fantastic year.
Year 10 exams and Year 11 Commencement
Year 10 exams started on Friday 18 November with the English exams. They then continued into this week.
Year 10 students will start their Year 11 Commencement Program on 28 November, where they will engage in their 2023 subjects for one week.
Year 7- 9 exams
These started on Monday 21 November and were scattered around other normal subjects and took place in the Gym.
Course Counselling and Timetabling
The 2023 timetable is still pending finalisation of some roles and responsibilities. Students have a sense of their subjects, but there is potential for change depending on student numbers in some subjects. Recent decisions have maintained subject preferences and shuffling around of some students has enabled us to continue to offer our preferred academic subjects.
If a student wishes to make changes, they can do so through the Sub School, but we encourage them to be directly related to the pathway of the student (not friendship or teacher based). These can be done up until the start of the school year. PLEASE NOTE THAT ROOM IS TIGHT AND HENCE NOT ALL OPTIONS CAN BE ACHIEVED.
On Demand Testing (ODT) and Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT)
Students have completed their literacy and numeracy assessments for 2023. These are used by teachers and are visible in Compass. Teachers use this data to inform appropriate differentiation strategies in the classroom.
Be Bold Be Heard -Celebration Day
Exceptionally proud of Exceptionally proud of our BBBH students following an exciting celebration day for the initiative. Olivia Barlow was outstanding in her role as MC and our students also presented the actions of the group with fantastic enthusiasm. Christine Couzens was in awe and Samantha Krajina was proud of the students. In addition to our guests, we had Cat Salt and Robyn Marr attend and both were rendered speechless!
Following the event, we had Kate Robinson from the Respectful Relationships offering to help us reach out to more schools and support us financially. We are also looking into potential opportunities with Cricket Victoria/Australia who are launching initiatives to promote girls into cricket. We are hoping that our girls could organise clinics for girls in our school on behalf of Cricket to receive funding for the BBBH program.
BBBH regional achievements
There were a range of achievements shared at the BBBH celebration day. The following summary highlights the categories of achievements which all the schools discussed.
Sports Uniform
After the presentation from the Be Bold Be Heard students at the last school council meeting, sample shorts, polos and tracksuits were displayed. Students voted on the tailored styles and the uniform shop is now making samples in our colours. It is hoped that the tailored cut will be available next January.
SWPBS Assembly Awards
Students who had many positive green entries were acknowledged at the whole school assembly. Two students at each year level were celebrated for their positive actions.
International Students
The school currently has 9 International students from Years 7 to 11. There are 13 students due to commence next year with 10 of those students beginning at the start of Term 1. There have been difficulties around the students obtaining VISAs, however the department is working with border control to improve this situation. Tonia Tigani is to be commended on the proactive engagement that she has been undertaking with the overseas agents. Feedback from other schools indicates that the NGSC program is in a relatively strong position and has quickly returned to its pre-pandemic numbers.