What we've been up to...

Big congratulations to Jeremiah who has been awarded the 2022 Darumbal Community Youth Citizenship Award.
World Teacher's Day
On Friday 28th October, we celebrated World Teacher's Day!
It is a day to celebrate the contributions our teachers make each and every day! We treasure their hard work and assistance in ensuring our students grow and learn, and we know we'd be lost without them.
Thank you for everything you do!
Over the last couple of weeks, classes have been working together to design and build solar ovens. This week they were finally ready, and we braved the hot weather to test each of the ovens for 30 minutes each. Temperatures soared, with several classes reaching internal oven temperatures over 60oC. Massive congratulations to each class that participated in the design challenge, as every single oven successfully heated above the outside temperature.
Senior Secondary Sustainability Expo
Thank you to everyone who supported the Senior Secondary Sustainability Expo last week. It was a huge success! The students raised a massive $530 + for their SS programs.
AAC Awareness
October was AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Awareness month.
For the last day, we had a little school challenge:
1: Photograph a friend saying 'hello'
2: Photograph a colleague using their AAC
3: Chat about something Halloween-related with a student.
Our winning classes were Upper Primary 3 and Prep!
Here are their winning photos.
For more information on AAC Awareness Month you can visit:
Senior Secondary Camp - Recaps by SS Students
On camp we went on a boat and stayed at Cool Waters at Waterpark farm. l saw a house a horse and Bec. There was an army plane in the big shed. We jumped on the rainbow jumping pillow and then had fish and chips.
The next day we went to Keppel Island, and I got very sun burnt. We had sausages on bread for dinner. On the last day we walked up Kemp Headland and l saw lots many turtles. My favourite part of camp was the army plane. - By Joe
- By Briella
For the past 3 days my teachers, friends, dad, and I all went to school camp in Yeppoon. During our School camp we got to stay in Cool Waters for three days after we went to the waterpark farm, while we were at the waterpark farm we went on a boat, we were given a tour around the waterpark farm, and we even got to look at some airplanes and helicopter. Then once we got to Cool Waters we unpacked our gear, figure out what room we were sleeping in, we went for a swim, and we walked over the bridge to get to eat some fish and chips for the first day. Then on the 2nd day we visited Great Keppel Island then while we were there I got to meet a girl named Nayema, and I got to do some canoeing for the first time and we got some fish and chips there,then we did lots of walking and swimming there. Then finally on the 3rd day we went hiking and we saw some turtles after we went to the Emu Park playground, and the best part about it was eating some Subway subs and Cookies at Yeppoon. Then we went to back to school to unpack all of our gear and the I went home. We also got to jump on the Jumping pillow. - By Charlie
The Candy Bar
Thank you to local small business The Candy Bar for supporting senior secondary students completing a Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies. Students created an submitted advertisements for selection by business owner.
~ Created by Rory