Business Managers Report

Jan Prior

Second Hand Uniform Sale

Due to some recent donations and a build up of our second hand uniforms, we will be holding a sale on Wednesday November 30th from 2:30 pm till 4:00 pm at the College Office.

Come in and see Janine to grab a bargain - nothing over $5

Mavis and Neil Grummitt Scholarship

The annual Neil and Mavis Grummitt Scholarship is now open for 2022 for students studying Year 11 or Year 12 in 2023.  This scholarship has been generously donated by Neil and Mavis Grummitt and the Awardee will receive a $5,000 grant to assist with educational costs.  Funds may be used over more than one year. Applicants must be a current student of Kyabram P-12 College. It is preferred that the Awardee will demonstrate an interest in the field of Agriculture, the Arts (Music) or Teaching.  However, special consideration may be given to other academic career aspirations, under the guidance of the Selection Panel. ‘The Neil and Mavis Grummitt Scholarship will be awarded to a student of fine character and general all-round ability with a proven financial hardship, who will embrace the culture of a rounded education and who is able to demonstrate that he/she would benefit from the opportunities that such an education would present’. Scholarship information and application form with further information can be collected from either the General Office, or the College website from Monday, and is also attached.  Closing date for the scholarship is Thursday November 17th. We look forward to your application.

Years 7-9 Virtual Bookstall 2023

Families of students who will be in Years 7, 8 and 9 2023 will be emailed information for the 2023 Virtual Bookstall, early next week. 

Orders received by December 9th will have free delivery guaranteed to arrive at your home address by January 13th, in readiness for the 2023 school year. 

Please note, students participating in the end of year program in 2022, will not require text books until 2023.

Sports Trainee 2023

Are you interested in a Sports Traineeship in 2023?

Check out our advertisement or contact me if you would like further information. 

Please send your cover letter and resume to  Melissa Davies at the Apprenticeship Factory at|   

Applications Close November 17th. 


Building Works

Some great progress is being made to our capital works program, with the demolition of the older buildings now complete. 

Over the next week we are looking forward to the next stage which is footings for the new canteen, library and wellbeing centre. 

Our Lone Pine Tree will also see its relocation to its new home, front and centre of the block.  The team at the Torumbarry Tree Farm are our specialists overseeing this project and the Kyabram Legacy Group are also supporting this venture. 


How Can We Help?

For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact either myself at or any member of the College Administration Team on 5851 2100.