Secondary Principals Report

Louise Mellington

Who can believe that we are heading towards the end of the year. It has been a busy Term 4 even with the interruption of a school closure due to the floods. Our building works continue to be full steam ahead with little disruption to the education of our students. Our staff are currently completing a Challenging Behaviors professional development. Our students are in the last stages of this year and finishing off units and learning tasks so that they can be reported on.


Year 12

Our Year 12 students began their exams on October 26th and finish these next week. The Year 12 students did not get to finish in the manner that they had planned with the final assembly falling when the region closed our school. We did however, bring the students together for a breakfast at the Kyabram Club prior to their first exam. Their final assembly will be celebrated on Wednesday November 16th with Year 12 parents invited for an 11:30am start in our College Hall. Chaplaincy have organised a morning tea and a cartoonist for the Year 12 students prior to the assembly, and we thank them for making that possible for the students.

The Year 12 Graduation will be held at the Moama Bowling Club on Friday November 18th.


Year 10 and 11 exams

Students in Year 11 begin exams today and continue into next week. Year 10 students sit exams next week. Interviews are also being held between students/parents and year level coordinator and these are important for setting goals for their senior years of schooling.


Flying Start

Monday November 21st sees our students in Years 7-11 go into their 2023 classes. It is important that all students attend during this time so that work is not missed. This is particularly critical for our senior students who will struggle to catch up if they miss these weeks. What is taught in Flying Start is not re-taught in 2023. Booklists have gone home and if you have any queries about subjects, please direct them to the relevant year level coordinator.


Uniform – your support is needed

Our aim in Term 4 was to see all students IN FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. Whilst we have the majority of our students wearing correct school uniform, we do have a number of students who are wearing hoodies, incorrectly coloured footwear and incorrect pants. These are not part of our school uniform (the Year 12 hoodie is an exception) and need to be left at home. Again, I ask if you are having difficulty sourcing uniform items, please contact the College. We require students to wear a broad brimmed hat given that we are a Sun Smart school. Many students are coming to school without hats and as the days get warmer will be asked to stay inside if they do not have hats.



A reminder that it is not okay to be away. We have some students with significant unexplained absences. When a student is absent from school, they struggle to grasp the concepts and skills being taught in class as they are absent. They then say they do not understand and this often sees them disengaging from education. If your child is going to be away for an extended period of time, please ask that work be emailed home. One day a week absent from school is 40 days for the year which is 8 weeks of their schooling. That is a lot of learning missed! 



Like everywhere we have many mozzies at school. Please send your child to school with insect repellent.