Secondary Principal's Report

Louise Mellington

Our school year is quickly coming to an end but there is still so much happening within our college. Our college has had the Rochy Run on Monday night and what an awesome event this was. Our community really know how to come out and support such causes. We look forward to seeing how much was raised to go to Rochester Primary and Secondary schools. 


Students have begun Flying Start stepping up in to their next year level. There is some great learning happening in classes so please ensure that you have conversations about the school day with your child.


Tongala Primary School Combat Course

Our VCAL students have been building a combat course at Tongala Primary. This is a project that has been interrupted by VCAL and we look forward to seeing the finished course.


RMIT Science Roadshow

Year 9 students have been involved in a RMIT Science Roadshow this week. There was some fun, exciting and interactive learning experiences of science. The aim of the roadshow is to build student’s knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Each exhibit has a context board which includes information about how to use the exhibit, the science behind it and where such things occur in everyday life. 

SunSmart School 

A reminder to parents and students that we are a Sun Smart school and that students are required to wear a broad brimmed hat when they are outside for classes and at recess and lunch. This is for Term 1 and 4. We have a large number of students refusing to wear hats and we would like your support in ensuring that you send your child to school with a broad brimmed hat. If this cannot occur for financial reasons we have some spare hats.