Student Leadership & ECSC House Spirit

Student leaders from across the school were invited to participate in Youth Advocacy Training facilitated by Headspace. Our School Captains, House Captains, House Representatives, Student Representative Council and Wellbeing Advisory Group came together for a half-day workshop where they learned about and discussed how to be an advocate for their peers, and created action plans to support meaningful change at school and within the community.
"It was great to have Headspace educating us about potential issues, possible solutions and how to stand up for different causes through advocacy. The activities helped us know more about ourselves and others; learning how to use our strengths and work on our weaknesses. Personally, I enjoyed the last activity where we thought of an issue and worked through steps to find a solution. It was an interesting way to figure out what we need to improve or change for the betterment of our school community." - Jovanjijo Antony (Year 11), Senior School Captain & Wollert House Captain
"The advocacy training was wonderful! I wasn't sure at first what advocacy really meant as a definition, but by the end of the program I learned more about it and how I could use it in our college. I thought that one of the best activities for that program was collaborating with a group of friends, even with people I didn't know, and coming up with ideas of how we could advocate for our school. All in all I really enjoyed the day! I will definitely bring what I learned into making this school better for everybody and even to help with strategies in the future." - Layne Dellevergini (Year 11), Senior School Captain
"Last Monday, myself and some other leaders of ECSC got invited to attend to Young Advocacy Training, that was kindly run by Headspace. During this training, I got to collaborate with other leaders of the school and learn ways that we could grow as leaders, along with how we can help solve issues around our own school. We got to work with some incredible individuals from Headspace that assured we would leave those sessions with a positive mindset and a better look at ways we can become better leaders for our school. I am grateful to have gotten that opportunity as I collaborated and shared my ideas with some amazing leaders!" - Mila Apostolovska (Year 10), Student Representative Council
"The training to me was so helpful and exciting. We got to eat many different sweets. Like skittles, cookies, lollipops and some juice. I got to meet new friends and the staff from Headspace were very kind. I learnt that being a leader means more than one thing. To me, it means to be kind, helpful, resilient, respectful and always let others have their voice heard." - Hedya Al-Ibraheemi (Year 7), Wellbeing Advisory Group
Rebecca Stamkovski (House Leader) and Madeleine Charisis (Student Voice and Agency Leader)