Curriculum & Pedagogy

Students in Years 7 and 9 have now successfully completed their first NAPLAN testing online. Overwhelmingly the students demonstrated strong focus, work ethics and adaptability to testing using the online platform. Students and families should expect the results to come through in late Term 3. From there, teachers will use the data as another indication of student's ability alongside their internal testing, assessments and general class work. Thank you to all our families for supporting student participation in things such as NAPLAN.
Professional Learning Community: Term 2 Inquiry cycle
This term, all teachers are participating in an inquiry cycle regarding the improvement of their teaching practice. The inquiry cycle is an ongoing process of:
- Teachers reflecting on their current practice and identifying what they would like to work on.
- Teachers then undertaking some professional learning and implementing that professional learning in the classroom. This includes peer observations where they visit and observe a colleagues classroom, and have someone visit theirs.
- Teachers then make changes to their practice and assess the impact the inquiry work has had on the students and their learning.
This term teachers are working within Learning Area PLC groups and focusing their inquiry cycles on:
- English: The teaching of metalanguage across 7-11
- Maths: Building classroom practice to check for student understanding.
- Science: How can we improve students' use of Tier 3 vocabulary in their scientific writing?
- Humanities: How and when do we check for understanding and determine the next steps?
- Health and PE: More exposure to the use of command words which can help students with assessments/exams.
- Art/Tech focus: Looking at explicit teaching of Tier 3 Vocab words.
- Spanish focus: Are students retaining new vocabulary.