Administration Report

Student Led Conferences
On Wednesday June 1st, the office will be open from 1:00pm - 7:00pm for student Led Conferences. If you need to contact us earlier than this on Wednesday please leave a voicemail or send an email to the school account and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Compass App
Compass is the platform used by the college for all communication. Please make sure you have the notifications for Compass turned on so you don’t miss out on important communication that is sent out. You can look at the Parent Guide here to see how you can access different things on the App
The preferred method on reporting your child absent is via the Compass Portal. You can go into the app and add an attendance note for your child, this will alert the teachers that your child is unable to attend school.
If you need assistance in reporting your child absent via Compass, please follow the parent compass guide
Families can also call the school and select option 1 ‘to report your child absent’. Here you can simply leave a voicemail with your child’s name, duration and reason for absence, and it will be entered before the morning SMS alert is sent out.
Events, Excursions and Incursions
All events for students need to be consented to on Compass by the dedicated due date. We do not accept paper consent forms or cash for events. If you need assistance in consenting please refer event section in the Parent guide
Early leavers and Late arrivals
There has been a significant increase in families dropping students off late and picking them up early throughout the day. It is really important that students arrive on time and stay at school for the whole day unless this has been prearranged. Please contact the office as early as possible on the day or before, to notify us that you need to pick your child up early, or send them with a note in the morning.
If you are planning on picking your child up early, please make sure they are aware and know when they need to come down to the office. Calling students out of class throughout the day is very disruptive. Students also have classes outside which makes it very difficult to contact them so they need to be aware if they’re getting picked up early they need to come to the office at the decided upon time.
Please make sure your children have their ID card so they are able to sign in of a morning if they’re arriving after 9:00am. If your child has lost their ID card, we can order another card for them at a cost of $10 per card for replacements. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office you would like to order a replacement card.
Items Dropped at Office
We have noticed an increase in families dropping off lunches/devices/uniform for students. We ask that if items need to be brought to school for a student, parents do this during the following times:
9:30am -10:30am – Students to be called up at recess
11:30am – 12:30pm – Students to be called up at lunch time
The college endeavours to cause minimal disruptions during class times, therefore, all students will be called to the office over the PA system 5 minutes prior to recess and lunch.If a student does not collect their items we will call again during recess and lunch, however we cannot always guarantee that students come to the office to collect their belongings. Office staff will not interrupt classes during lesson time by phoning or making announcements unless there is an emergency.
Thank you
We would like to thank all families for their co-operation, and ask that if you do have any questions about these processes that you contact the office and speak to one of our friendly staff who are always happy to help out.