Discovery Centre


Selemat siang! The Discovery Centre had such a fun, busy week. You may have spotted out invitation we made for Open Night this Thursday and Open Day this coming Saturday. We are very excited for families to be able to visit our classrooms to see everything we have been learning at Open Night.


In Writing we have been continuing to practise writing to inform an audience. Students explored this through incorporating our science focus, Space. Students had the choice of learning about different planets, the sun or the solar system. Students watched a video on one of these topics and then wrote and drew about what they had learned to teach the rest of the class about it. 

Writing to inform about space
Writing to inform about space

In Reading this week we continued with our Reading rotations where students completed different activities each day after exploring a big book together as a class. The big book focus this week was all about non-fiction. Students discovered that non-fiction texts were based on true, real facts, as opposed to the made up, fiction stories we had been listening to in class. Students found different facts from the book to prove that it was non-fiction text. Students also explored rhyming words, and were able to practise their targeted reading strategies.


In Maths, students were introduced to a range of new games that were practising a range of addition strategies, such as counting all, counting on and doubles. A favourite was the game ‘get out of my house’ and ‘place value battle’. 

Maths games
Maths Games
Maths Games
Maths Games
Maths games
Maths Games
Maths Games
Maths Games

The biggest highlight from the week was our STEM Space Incursion. Foundation students were incredibly excited to take part in our Space Incursion by PrimeSCI! on Wednesday last week. Students were involved in conversation about how the Earth revolves around the Sun and learnt how this can impact our seasons.  There were lots of engaging and hands-on activities that involved measuring temperatures with thermometers and creating an air seal to keep something dry. Every student created their own 'planet in a cup', which we will continue to observe over the coming weeks! 

Making our planet in a cup
Using thermometers
Using thermometers
Reading thermometers
Making a little planet
Making our planet in a cup
Using thermometers
Using thermometers
Reading thermometers
Making a little planet
Creating an air seal
Reading Thermometers
Learning about the Earth's temperature
More thermometer reading
Creating an air seal
Reading Thermometers
Learning about the Earth's temperature
More thermometer reading

We hope you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing you all for our open night this Thursday.


The Foundation Team,

Brooke Henwood, Ella Gasowski and Jessica Tossell

Student Voice

Students were asked what their favourite part of the space incursion was

  • Abdutt R - "My favourite part was reading the thermometer"
  • Cole S - "I liked making the little planet"
  • Leo S - "My favourite part of the incursion was watching the mini rocket fly"
  • William J - "I loved everything!"


  • Open Night is this Thursday from 6pm-7pm. Look forward to seeing you there!

Pupil of the Week

FG: Sophie W -

For using perseverance to sound out words when writing a sentence. It is fantastic to see you applying your codes knowledge and becoming more confident. Keep it up, Sophie!


FH: Rashi B -

For using teamwork during our STEM incursion to make discoveries about air pressure and temperature. It was fantastic to see and hear your enthusiasm when comparing the thermometers in the warm and cold water. Keep up the great work Rashi!


FJ: Billie L -

For demonstrating a love of learning and zest during Maths this week. You worked hard to add your numbers together using the counting on strategy and made your partner laugh during the game. Great work Billie!