Kindergarten News

Kindergarten Staff:


It is an exciting week with Kristy having started last Tuesday and Yushan starting this Thursday.

Kristy had a great first week with the Gawarn, Wimbi and Dharug classes and there was such an excited energy to the children in meeting her and showing her around the Kinder. 

 We are looking forward to both of our new staff joining our incredible team and wonderful MPRPSK community, feel free to say hi and introduce yourself when you see them. 

Open night:

This Thursday night the Kinder and school will be open for families to visit as we celebrate Education week. We encourage you to come along between 6 - 7pm and look through your child's learning space and then enjoy school choir perform at 6:50pm.

Please socially distance as much as possible and we encourage all adults to wear masks. Of course we will have hand sanitiser available, air purifiers running and as much ventilation as possible.

Kinder and School Open Day:

This Saturday, the Kindergarten and school will be holding an open day from 9:30-11:30am. This will be a time for current and prospective families to come and visit our wonderful Kindergarten as families plan to enrol their children for 2023 and beyond. 

This is a wonderful time to talk to the teachers, hear the Kindergarten's philosophy and approach to learning and share the environment with your children. 

Feel free to share this date with your friends.