Year Adviser Updates

Years 7 - 9

Year 7

Hello Year 7, Parents and Carers!


What a wonderful term we have had! The rain did not dampen our spirits! While we unable to run the Athletics Carnival, we did participate in a number of exciting and fun activities. The Fairfield ‘World Cup’ on 21 June was a wonderful day in which kids from around the region played soccer and had fun! Year 7 students represented our school with pride, as always! Our own Cherish-Grace Peni was awarded ‘Best and Fairest’ for her standout participation and behaviour on the day. 

We ended the term with Inquisitive Minds – a fun filled day of puzzles, teamwork and… CHOCOLATE! Year 7 students worked together in teams to solve a variety of challenging maths-based activities. Well done to all Year 7 students for ONCE AGAIN demonstrating their excellent behaviour and respect.

I look forward to next term! I wish all Year 7 students and our school community a happy and healthy school holidays. 

Be well,

Ms Hall 

Year 7 Adviser

Our Year 7 Inquisitive Minds at work with our Year 10 helpers

Year 8

Dear Year 8,


This is a friendly reminder to all Year 8 students about attendance. You are required to attended 90% of school at all times. Lateness and truancy will affect your attendance record, which will have a huge impact on your overall academic performance. If you are absent from school for any reason, please do your best to explain your absence or hand in a medical certificate.


Public speaking competition: Thank you to students who have written their names down and are working on their speeches. The competition will be held mid next term. Use this time to refine and practise your speeches.

Have a safe holiday!

Miss Phan

Year 8 Adviser

Year 9

Dear Parents and Carers, 


The Year 9 cohort is to be applauded for upholding our school values throughout the semester. This has been an excellent and busy term for Year 9. Students completed their NAPLAN test online. They participated in an incursion callled ‘Backflips Against Bullying Program’ which was organised by the school. The organisers engaged with students through parkour and acrobatic activities while communicating important topics aligning with anti-bullying campaign. 

Students also had the opportunity to attend the Refugee Week session organised by the school. During this session the guest speaker presented information about refugees and shared his success story. 

For the remainder of 2022, Year 9 students will be participating in the Health Promotion Workshop in Partnership with NSW Health. Our school is committed in creating quality learning opportunities and the overall health and well-being of all students. 

We would like to acknowledge Year 9 students that were selected for our first recognition morning tea. These students were chosen for their consistent effort in school, including excellent attendance, class engagement and general attitude all reflecting our school values. 


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Maror and Mrs Shukla

Year 9 Advisers