Cultural Events

By Shelly-Faith De Gabriel

Jaqaleena Dib



Cultural events


Ramadan was a big part of a cultural event that recently happened. This event happens every year on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid-al Fitr is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide, as it marks the end of the month-long dawn to sunset fasting of Ramadan. 

Here are some delicious food you should try! 

  • Kafta 
  • Kebabs 
  • Kibbeh

And some Lebanese desserts definitely made for eating!

  • Baklawa 
  • Knefeh
  • Ma'amul

Warami, this is how we say hello in the Dharug language. Dharug is the land where we live today. There are over 300 Aboriginal languages including Dharug, Wiradjuri, Gunggari, Bininj, Dharawal and many more. The Dharug people are originally from the Blue Mountains, to Sydney, New South Wales. The Aboriginal Flag has 3 colours - Black to symbolise the Aboriginal people, yellow to represent the sun and red to represent the relationship of people and earth to the land. 

Last term the Aboriginal students participated in a dance group with different schools in Australia, where they learnt an Aboringial dream time dance. 

At James Busby High School the Aboriginal students are having help by Mr Schafer, Ms Prins and Ms Sandilands.