Spotlight on a Staff Member

Our School Principal
For this article we chose to interview Ms Bartolillo, who is not just our Principal but also has held other roles within the school such as classroom teacher and Deputy Principal.
She made time to answer some questions.
When did you start teaching at James Busby?
I started teaching at James Busby in 1986.
Did you attend James Busby High School as a student?
No, I attended Kogarah High School.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colours is pink and green.
Where do you see the school in the future?
I see the future of the school as a growing school that cares about the education of its students, the way that they develop in both their academic studies and their emotional intelligence. I believe that there should be a focus on caring and kindness as well as knowing how people feel and improving the student potential.
What encourages you to do these things for the school?
Because this was my first school, I have a sense of belonging and a strong connection to the school as well as a commitment to making the school move forward.
Has being a Principal or a teacher been your dream job?
Being a teacher was my dream job but being Principal is hard work.
What are some things that you love about the school?
I love the students and the staff.
Do you ever get stressed while you work?
Yes. Being a Principal can be stressful at times and it requires me to work quite a lot at home as well as during school time.
Do you enjoy the learning that takes place in the school?
Yes. I really enjoy popping into classrooms and I like to do formal observations of lessons.
Ms Bartolillo was appointed to James Busby High School and on her arrival says that she felt a strong connection with the place. She sees herself retiring in the next five to ten years but would still like to see the vast majority of our school push forward and succeed.
We thank Ms Bartolillo for her time.
Year 9 Photography students Kevin and Jeremiah go straight to the top for their first interview.