PCYC - Fit For Life
Rain, hail or shine, the PCYC Fit for Life program continues every Wednesday morning at 7.30am. This program involves students making their own way to the PCYC at Miller, participating in a fitness activity led by Police and the PCYC staff, a free breakfast, mingling and making friends with students from other schools and a lift to school with the Police. This program is designed to engage youths aged 10 – 17 in physical fitness, nutrition, social engagement and boost overall wellbeing. It is a fabulous program and I encourage and interested students to speak with Julie Moon (Student Support Officer) or myself (Ms Cattanach) for more information.
I would like to thank Julie and Mr Zhang for giving up their time on a Wednesday to supervise the students and support the program. A big thank you to Mr Roberts who is on standby each week with the school bus just in case we need transport.
Ms K Cattanach
Head Teacher Student Engagement