Wellbeing Update

The Wellbeing Team started a new initiative this term – Student Recognition Morning Teas. Year advisors nominate 10-15 students in their year group that apply themselves consistently and uphold the values of James Busby High School. Our values being: Respect, Excellence, Equity and Safety.
Students receive a written invite to attend a morning tea in the BBQ area. The Year Advisors, Head Teachers Wellbeing and Deputy Principal for the year group attend. Students enjoyed a simple morning tea and received a merit certificate.
The reviews for our inaugural recognition morning teas were positive. Students enjoyed some quality time chatting with Year Advisors and felt valued for their consistent effort, realising no efforts go unnoticed! We were very fortunate to have beautiful weather.
These morning teas will take place at the end of each term.
A reminder to students to hand in any merit awards you have collected to your year advisors. This way you have a chance to win the $10 canteen voucher at your next year meeting.
Finally, enjoy the end of term break. Look after yourselves and each dimension of your personal wellbeing.
Looking forward to seeing you recharged and focused for term 3!
Ms Prins and Ms Sandilands
Head Teachers Wellbeing