Principal's Report

I would like to begin by acknowledging the incredible hard work and commitment of our staff. Like all schools in NSW we are experiencing daily staff shortages. This means that everyone is doing more, teaching more and filling gaps each day. This makes for some very difficult days. Our staff generously push through each day so that our students have a teacher with them as much as possible. They demonstrate an inspiring work ethic and commitment to your children each day.
We don’t always get everything perfect, but please know it is not because we don’t try each and every day to ensure we know, value and care for your children. When our school community all work together we really can make a little magic happen sometimes. It is so important that we are all on the same page and send the same messages and expectations. Please continue to let your children know that you expect them to be safe, respectful and caring learners who value the diversity and support that our school has to offer.
Our students have excelled in so many areas this term. I hope you enjoy reading about their accomplishments.
Our New Look Newsletter:
As you may have noticed, we are trying a new format for our newsletter. The previous format proved to be problematic in the publishing stage and so thanks to Ms Khuder, we have this new exciting format to work with.
Yondr Pouches:
Thank you to those who responded so positively to our intention to move forward with the implementation of the Yondr Mobile Phone Pouches. The vast majority of feedback from our school community is in favour of pursuing this as a way to support students to connect more deeply with their learning and reduce the significant impact that cyber bullying and negative social media exposure has on students. We will be working towards implementing this in 2023. If you have any questions please call us on 9607 7766.
It is a legal requirement that your child attend school over 90% of the time, on time every day. It is the responsibility of all parents/carers to ensure our young people are well rested, fed and equipped each day to enable them to be at school well before 8.50am. You may have already noticed that we are contacting you about the attendance concerns of your children. This will continue throughout the year.
Please ensure your child/children are in full school uniform each day. It is very important that we can identify students correctly. Uniform is one way we do that. Please contact the school if you have any questions about uniform.
Ms O Bartolillo
Important Dates - Term 3
Mon July 18
Staff Development Day
Tues July 19
All students return to school for Week A
Wed July 20
Year 12 WSU Street Law Clinic
Tues July 26
Parent Teacher Night - Years 7 - 11 Report Distribution
Please note that information notes regarding our upcoming Parent Teacher Night were sent home last term. If you have any questions please contact us on 9607 7766 when school resumes on Monday July 18.
Years 7 - 11 Semester 1 Academic Reports will be distributed on the night. Parents and carers of Year 12 are also encouraged to attend on the night to meet with their child's teachers.