Student of the Week

Monday 23 May 2022


Student NameGradeComments
Louis00AFor sharing, taking turns and helping others when participating in maths activities. Well done Louis!
Ava00BFor always going above and beyond to be a supportive, kind and considerate peer to her classmates. Well done, Ava! 
Jaxon01AFor always demonstrating the value of teamwork, by consistently helping others. Well done Jaxon!
Liosha01BFor working cooperatively with your partner to play the game 'Snatch and Grab' during our Maths session. You were able to take turns and work together to play the game successfully. Great work!
Keerah02AFor helping your peers in the classroom when they need help. You show great teamwork, keep it up Keerah! 
Sasha02BWorking cooperatively with a partner to create several posters for our SWPBS Values Board. Well done Sasha for showing great teamwork!
Faiq03AFor displaying teamwork by collaborating, supporting and sharing his knowledge with his peers when working in a group, to identify celebrations and commemorations. Well done Faiq.
Dylan03BDemonstrating the value of Teamwork during numeracy by working as a team to measure the length of a beanbag throw. Amazing work superstar!!! 
Anthony03BDemonstrating the value of Teamwork during numeracy by working as a team to measure the length of a beanbag throw. Amazing work superstar!!! 
Meesam04AFor working productively with his team during inquiry, to organise their ideas and support team members to research information that answers their inquiry question.  Well Done Meesam!
Ocean04BFor being a productive team member who contributes valuable ideas and information to her inquiry team. Well Done Ocean!
Sienna05AFor always working with integrity when completing group work tasks. Sienna is always mindful of her peers and respects their thoughts and opinions. Well done Sienna!
Aisha05CDemonstrating the value of Teamwork by working cooperatively with her class members ensuring all set tasks are completed and all members are on task. Keep up the hard work! 
Krish06BDemonstrating the value of Teamwork by contributing meaningfully to the whole class and working positively within all learning groups and teams. Thank you, Krish.

Monday 30th May 2022


Student NameGradeComments
Inaya00AAlways taking pride in her work and continuously finding ways to problem solve when faced with challenges in the classroom. Excellent work Inaya!
Oliver00BDemonstrating a commitment and passion for learning with outstanding results. Well done, Oliver! 
Amaira01AFor always making sure that everyone is included in a group learning task. Great Teamwork Amaira!
Timothy01BFor putting in your best effort when writing an explanation text about the life cycle of a butterfly. You said each step out loud and tried your best to write the words. Outstanding work! 
Xavier02AFor challenging himself in his learning and not giving up when the learning gets harder. Keep up the amazing work Xavier! 
Ela02BFor proudly sharing her work and learning throughout the semester with her parents at our recent Expo Night. Well done Ela!
Ethan03AFor putting in maximum effort into his research and presentation on celebrations and commemorations in Australia. Well done Ethan.
Felice03BDemonstrating the value of learning by sharing her knowledge and helping others when learning about angles. Awesome work Felice!
Erol04AFor showing excellent commitment to his learning about Australia and our neighboring countries. He researched and found information to share with his group. Well Done Erol!
Marcus04BFor being a committed learner who researched and found useful information about Australia to share with his group. Well Done Marcus!
Luka05AFor actively listening and asking interesting and relevant questions when in class discussions to assist his learning. What a great term you have had so far Luka!
Isabella05BFor always maintaining focus in the classroom and doing her best to present work of a high standard. This student demonstrates a commitment to her learning at all times. Congratulations Isabella. 
Nicholas05CDemonstrating the value of Learning by trying his hardest to complete set tasks. Nicholas is becoming more confident to ask for assistance when he needs clarification. 
Tyler06ADemonstrating the value of 'Learning' by pushing through challenges and cultivating good habits, such as inner motivation and self-discipline that leads to knowing when and how to ask for help.  You are a leader in your own learning.  Well done and do keep up the great efforts Tyler.
Annabella06BDemonstrating excellence and a commitment to learning in all areas of the curriculum. 

Monday 30th May Buzz Award

Monday 6th June Buzz Award