From the Head of Sport

Once again we are having issues with both the Hockey and Rugby fields and will be requesting game swaps with opposing teams for the rest of the term. Please check carefully the location and times posted on Team App.


ISA Cross Country Carnival

This week we had a strong rollup for the ISA Cross Country Carnival and it was pleasing to see the effort put in by all students who attended on the day. This year we have had a number of students selected in the ISA team to compete at the NSWCIS Cross Country Carnival to be held at Eastern Creek Raceway on Wednesday, 8th June.


Congratulations and all the best to the following students:  Lia Firer (Year 7), Alton Freeman (Year 7), Keeden Harrison (Year 7), Rose Nicholas (Year 7), Jessica Harris (Year 8), Amelie Hugo (Year 10), Tarana Stubenrauch (Year 10), Erasmus Darwin (Year 11), Casper Larkin (Year 11) and William Zakis (Year 11)


Please ensure you return your permission note by Monday, 30th May.



BMGS students will have the opportunity to trial Orienteering at the School on Friday, 27th May and Friday, 3rd June. If you are interested in getting to know how this sport works then bring your sports gear and be changed and ready to go at the roundabout at 3:15pm. BMGS is seeking to enter a team in the NSW All Schools Orienteering event to be held on Friday, 12th August 2022 (See flyer below).  Come along and have your skills tested in this exciting new co-curricular activity!



Mountain Biking

Are you an expert mountain biker?   Come and see me in my office.


The 14th NSW All Schools XC MTB Championship will be sponsored by JetBlack Products (, presented by WSMTB Club. The aim is to further encourage MTB participation in all NSW schools by holding a Cross Country MTB race for high school teams.


The race will be a 4-hour team’s event. The Senior (Mixed & Female), Intermediate and Junior laps will take approx.15 minutes. The Senior (Male) lap will be slightly longer and take approx. 20 minutes.


The team with the most number of laps completed in the four hours will be the winner. There will be points awarded for participation and category results to determine the NSW All Schools XC MTB Champion.


Teams will consist of three or four riders from the same school.  There will be Male, Female and Mixed categories in each of the three divisions*:

Senior :              Years 11 and 12

Intermediate :  Years   9 and 10

Junior :               Years   7 and 8


Notes:  *Students from a lower year division may race in an older division, but no student from an older division may race in a younger age division.


Athletics Carnival

The BMGS Athletics Carnival will be held at Glenbrook Oval on the 16th June. As with the Swimming Carnival students will be required to make their own way to Glenbrook. The BMGS Parents' and Friends' Association will be running a fundraiser on the day and will have lunch, drinks and snacks available throughout the day.


Please come and see me in my office if you have any questions regarding upcoming sporting events.


Mrs Megan Harris

Head of Sport

Sporting Fixtures

Please see attached for this weekend's sporting fixtures:

Mrs Megan Harris

Head of Sport

Match Reports - Saturday, 21st May

Boys' Football

BMGS U13 defeated St Paul's Grammar School 2-1, (Friendly)

This weekend the 13s had a bye, but we were able to organise a friendly against St Paul's Grammar's U14 team. The boys took a little while to get used to an unfamiliar 3-5-2 formation but eventually found a rhythm, with Aiden posting a Man of the Match performance by unleashing a wide on the right of the midfield 5. With a home game atmosphere provided by the other BMGS teams spectating, it was no surprise we won the 

Sam Colbourn, Coach


Second XI were defeated by St. Paul's Grammar School, 2-1

The game started off well, with Oliver Drew finding the back of the net in the first 20 mins. This outstanding goal spurred on the BMGS squad, but they were unable to keep out two goals from the opposition. After strategic (motivating?) chat in the halftime meeting, our Seconds took the field with renewed vigour. The boys were determined to pull together better in the back line, with a shift of Tien Attwater into a more defensive position proving the safer option. Pleasingly, the team did not concede any goals in the second half, and it was only by sheer chance that opportunities to equalise could not be converted. The energy on the sideline provided by the supporting First XI was truly inspiring, so thank you for the show of pride in our team! Special mention to Callum Knussen, whose defensive play reflected excellent improvement and integration of key strategies addressed at training. Further, a mention to Oliver for his excellent goal, and Max Johnston for his ability to calculate plays and effectively distribute the ball at opportune times.  A pleasing game to watch, and hopefully we’ll be in for a win next weekend!

Ms Annaliese Stammer, Coach


First XI defeated St. Paul's Grammar, 6-0

The first grade boys took on St Paul's Grammar in Richmond for their second match of the season. The BMGS boys came out strongly and held the majority of the possession for the first 15 minutes. After some beautiful plays between the boys, it was once again Luka Donnelly who opened the scoring, with an incredible left-footed strike to put BMGS up 1-nil. Not long after Luka’s  goal, Will Groenewegen, who had just been subbed on, found the ball after a scramble just inside the box and rifled the ball into the back of the net, doubling the first half lead.  BMGS kicked off the second half equally strongly, with Isaac Nicholls linking up with Jaxon Fraser and Max Anicic at the front. A couple of near chances and some beautiful passing between the boys found Jett Fendall taking a shot. This was denied by the keeper, but the rebound was followed up by Angus Herron, who got the second shot in, putting BMGS up 3-nil. St. Paul’s were putting up a good fight but unfortunately weren’t able to get through the wall at the back with Will Zakis, Trin Camilleri, Wyatt Schmold and Xavier Busch putting on a masterclass in defence, shutting down any chance that threatened our goal. The boys were running the opposition ragged, playing the ball out from the back and up into St. Paul's’ half unchallenged. In goals, Jack Roberson made a significant contribution throughout the game and pulled off another tough 1v1 save, keeping St Paul's scoreless. Jaxon on the left wing was having an excellent game, constantly putting the pressure on and sending crosses into the opposition’s box. Isaac and Luka dominated in the middle of the park linking up with Max, Jett and Hugh McNair at the top of the park and it was Jett who got his name on the score sheet with a much deserved goal to put BMGS up 4 nil. With ten minutes to go, Hugh gave all he had left and ended up smashing home two goals to put the game well and truly to rest.   Man of the Match honours were shared by Luka and Hugh, with honourable mentions for Jaxon, Trin and Grono.

Cameron Flaherty, Coach

Girls' Football

BMGS First XI Girls Defeated Barker College 6-0 

The First XI girls started the game with high intensity and communication leading to the three goals being scored within the first ten minutes of the game. We managed to maintain possession by utilising our triangles and space along the side lines to get through and have shots on goal. The first half ended with us having a 5-0 advantage against the Barker girls, who during half time asked if we could implement the mercy rule, so we obliged by reducing our team to nine players. The second half was much more challenging as the Barker girls were getting more aggressive.  Having only nine girls on the field we adapted our game play and movement around the field to open up more space to get to goal. Within the last ten seconds, an amazing through ball was played by Sophie which resulted in our 6th and last goal of the game. Special mention must be made to Sophie and Clodagh who were our main goal scorers this game. Well done Girls! Let's do it again next weekend!   

Scarlett Frosh


Junior Girls XI defeated Barker College 5-0

After a long bus trip, and waiting for the Firsts to play, we finally got on the field.  It was a small field, with a cricket pitch in the center of it, but our team adapted quickly.  Tilda scored a hat-trick and Marley scored two goals. A big thank you to Edie volunteering to go goalkeeper and, with no training, she still managed to save several goals with the assistance of some fantastic defense by Babette, Tara and Meenatchi. With some great team work and helping each other, we won the game 5-0. 

Leila Naumann


BMGS Second VII defeated Barker 29-21

What a great game! Our stress on the bus in realising we only had five players turned to joy when we found our opposition also only had five players. A magnificent game of Fast 5 resulted. Being down at the first break was the only time we were headed. The girls let the ball do the work up the court. Fantastic defence from Sam and Kate saw us get plenty of turnover ball, and equally fantastic shooting from India and Sophie meant turnover ball became goals. Olivia was brilliant and tireless at Centre, and she will get more games there in the future.

Mrs Viki Stanton (Coach)


Junior A were defeated by Redlands

This weekend, the Junior As played against Redlands on their home courts. Although the team played hard and never gave up, the end result was in Redlands favour. The score did not reflect the amazing effort put in by these girls, in particular the defensive partnership between Kiah and Zara who together put on quite a show with seventeen intercepts between the two. The girls never gave up and made their coach very proud.      

Zoe Long (Coach)


Junior C were defeated by Barker College

This game was quite challenging for the girls, due to injuries. Everyone stepped up to fill positions they have never played before, and played them to the best of their ability. Although they lost I am very proud of the girls ability to adapt to the game. Excited for the upcoming home game. 

Mia Underwood (Coach)


Junior D were defeated by Barker College

This was a rather challenging game for the girls against barker. We were short a few players which made things even more difficult. However the girls still held their heads high and enjoyed themselves. 

Rosie Groenewegen (Coach)