From the Principal 

We can’t believe we’re closing in on the end of Term 1. We are looking forward to seeing families and students at our upcoming Parent/Teacher/Student conferences and sharing and reflecting on learning together. These conferences are excellent opportunities to strengthen learning partnerships between school and home, celebrate successes and focus on learning goals for the future. We will again conduct these remotely, via phone. You’ll find more detailed information about bookings later in the newsletter.  


Year 7 Picnic 

On Wednesday 3rd of March, we held our annual Year 7 Picnic to welcome and connect our year 7 families with the Northcote community. There was a great hum of conversation and the mouth-watering smell of Paella filled the quadrangle area. Our Stage Band and Jazz Orchestra were incredibly impressive throughout the night. The year 7 students participated very enthusiastically in the scavenger hunt, especially while trying to find the elusive classroom, C9! 


A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the evening.  

Digital Learning 

Last week some of our Year 7 teachers came together to learn more about using Microsoft Teams and OneNote. They worked together to create lessons and resources in their staff notebooks and learnt how to distribute these to their class notebooks so that students had easy access to their learning materials. They were joined by our recently appointed Year 7 student IT Squad members who will be supporting their classmates to access our digital learning tools.  


All students at Northcote High School have free access to the Microsoft 365 apps and these can be downloaded by logging onto with their student @nhs email accounts. I encourage all families to download the latest version of Microsoft 365 onto their child’s devices. 

Congratulations Angela Rakocevic 

LaTrobe University confirmed that Angela Rakocevic Year 12 2020 has received the much-coveted Vice-Chancellor scholarship at LaTrobe University. Angela was selected based on her Aspire application, which outlined an impressive history of service to the community and general excellence. This scholarship is worth $5000 per semester as she studies her Bachelor of Psychology (honours). Very exciting news! We have rung Angela to congratulate her on her scholarship, and she is happy for this achievement to be shared with the wider school community. 


Best wishes to all


Kerren Diamond 

Assistant Principal