Literacy and Numeracy



Over the coming weeks and terms, the Prep-3 students will have an opportunity to take home a 'Maths Take Home Pack.' These packs have a range of maths activities in them. We encourage families to complete these tasks as a family and most importantly talk about the tasks. These bags are a wonderful opportunity for families to promote mathematics and have some fun whilst learning. We encourage every family to record what they did in the Maths Reflection Book that is sent home with the activities. Write, draw, take photos, be as creative as you choose. 


We ask all families to clean the activities after use. The tasks will also be sanitised by teachers at school too.


There are 4 packs per class so you may have to wait for your turn!




Each fortnight a Year Level will be sharing their learnings. Check out the wonderful mathematics that has been happening in Year 5.  



The Year Fives have been busy learning all about addition! 


We have been doing lots of learning in our classes and some learning in maths groups. We’ve enjoyed moving classrooms to work with both Year 5 teachers. We have been doing numbers with 3 addends. Some of us have explored BODMAS. You have to remember to do the brackets first and then division and continue the rules. 


We have been using the vertical algorithm to answer addition questions. You need to start at the ones place and move right to left remembering to carry. One of my favourite activities in maths has been the dice elimination game. 1s and 6s means you get a score of zero and you have to take away the dice. It’s a double punishment! Joseph was very unlucky when he played. Everyone jokingly blamed us when we lost. 


By Lily and Joseph


As always, if you have any questions please contact your classroom teacher or myself. 

Mr Josh Crowe

Numeracy Leader


Mem Fox's Ten Read-Aloud Commandments

This list of 'Read-Aloud Commandments' has come from  What is your home reading routine like?

  1. Spend at least ten wildly happy minutes every single day reading aloud. From birth!
  2. Read at least three stories a day: it may be the same story three times. Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read. Or the same story a thousand times!
  3. Read aloud with animation. Listen to your own voice and don’t be dull, or flat, or boring. Hang loose and be loud, have fun and laugh a lot.
  4. Read with joy and enjoyment: real enjoyment for yourself and great joy for the listeners
  5. Read the stories that your child loves, over and over, and over again, and always read in the same ‘tune’ for each book: i.e. with the same intonations and volume and speed, on each page, each time.
  6. Let children hear lots of language by talking to them constantly about the pictures, or anything else connected to the book; or sing any old song that you can remember; or say nursery rhymes in a bouncy way; or be noisy together doing clapping games
  7. Look for rhyme, rhythm or repetition in books for young children, and make sure the books are really short.
  8. Play games with the things that you and the child can see on the page, such as letting kids finish rhymes, and finding the letters that start the child’s name and yours, remembering that it’s never work, it’s always a fabulous game.
  9. Never ever teach reading, or get tense around books.
  10. Please read aloud every day because you just adore being with your child, not because it’s the right thing to do.