Religious Education News 

This Monday  we are celebrating Harmony Day at school. Harmony is about getting on together, about accepting the gifts and talents of each person, about respecting and valuing how we are different, and that together we are stronger and more unified than we could be apart. 

Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country, and our diversity is at the heart of who we are. According to recent census data, nearly half of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was; as a nation we identify with other 300 ancestries; since 1945 more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia.

 Harmony Day is celebrated annually to recognise our Australian multiculturalism and highlights values of inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of our diverse backgrounds. We give thanks to God for this incredible diversity and pray that we will be able to work toward building God’s kingdom on earth where all are welcome, and all belong. 

In one of his recent documents, “Rejoice and Be Glad”, Pope Francis reminds us that “a community who cherishes the little details of love and creates an open and evangelizing environment is a place where the risen Lord is present”. 

it is up to each one of us to continually strive for unity, which is at the heart of Harmony Day. We are called to live in harmony, celebrate the achievements of others, work with integrity, and be peacemakers. 

As we celebrate Harmony Day, it may be timely to consider our own values and attitudes towards one another and ask ourselves: - How do I promote harmony within my community? - What opportunities might I have to grow communities built on mutual respect, love, understanding and open-mindedness? 

This Harmony Day, let us continue to make the presence of the risen Jesus known in the way we extend welcome, hospitality, inclusivity and a sense of belonging to all people – not just those we know or feel comfortable with.

The second group of Year 5 students will be receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist on Sunday 28th March. Our Piety Stalls have a lovely selection of gifts and cards for First Eucharist for sale. Our Piety Stalls are located in the church foyers and are open before and after all the weekend masses. St Louis’ Piety Stall will be open this 

Friday 26th March between 3-4pm 

to allow you or any friends and relatives to purchase First Eucharist gifts.