Religion News 

Simply Jesus: Reflect. Renew. Recommit.

Come back to the Lord with all your heart;
leave the past in ashes,
and turn to God with tears and fasting,
for he is slow to anger and ready to forgive.


This Lent, across our archdiocese, we are being invited to reflect on the way and person of Jesus, renew ourselves in his love, and recommit ourselves to the path of discipleship. After a year where the regular structures that help us live a life of faith and grow in our relationship with Jesus were largely absent, we are encouraged to use Lent to reflect more deeply on our relationship with Jesus and be more attentive to nurturing its growth.



This year’s theme for Caritas Australia’s Lenten appeal, Project Compassion, is drawn from the words of St Oscar Romero, “Aspire not to have more, but to be more”. For many of us, we are in the good habit of giving something up for Lent. However, this Lent, each of us are challenged to "BE MORE". Instead of giving up something we enjoy, take up a practise that will bring us closer to God, our families and others - pray together before meals, thank someone who has provided support to you etc. Below are some more examples of some things you might do this Lent. 



Sacramental Program Dates 2021


Due to the 5-day Lockdown and subsequent rescheduling of Meet and Greets to Week 5, the planned Reconciliation Family Sacramental Evening which was to take place in the OLSC Hall on Wednesday 24th February at 6:30pm has been rescheduled to a Wednesday 10th of March, in the OLSC Hall. 


We look forward to gathering with you and your child to prepare for the reception of the Sacrament. 



Yours in Christ,


Catholic Identity Leader