Smart Spelling

Dear Parents,


This year as part of our School Annual Action Plan we are undertaking professional development and inquiring into the current teaching and learning of spelling. One approach being used in schools across Australia to teach spelling is SMART Spelling by Michelle Hutchinson. 


SMART Spelling has a clear Scope and Sequence beginning with Prep and continuing on through to Year Six. Teachers start by teaching the meaning of words to expand vocabulary and oral language skills, and then break words into syllables, sounds and letter patterns (graphs, digraphs and trigraphs) by following a simple routine called the ‘SMART Sequence’.


In a SMART Spelling classroom, students are explicitly taught letter patterns, one at a time. Teachers choose a range of words (from simple to complex) from a suggested list. Students are then guided to choose from that list of words using this pattern; these lists have a variety of words to cater for different capabilities. Personal and common words are also a focus in SMART Spelling. Teachers use their strong professional knowledge they gain in the course to give meaningful feedback to students about their spelling in writing, therefore teaching at the point of need. 


We will be undertaking the course together as a staff during Term 1 this year. This is an extensive and comprehensive course that requires many hours of professional learning. As our teachers are exploring the SMART Spelling course students will be engaging and exploring with us. During this time student learning of spelling will be explored at school. (This means, students will not have spelling homework while our teacher are exploring the SMART Spelling course. We will keep you up to date on when spelling will become a part of homework again.) Learning and activities will look different as we deepen and grow our understanding of spelling to make it more practical for our students. 


As a school we believe in exploring evidenced-based learning that has shown to be powerful in supporting students learning. We always work towards implementing resources, first through exploration and then secondly, towards embedding a practice that works for our students, at St. Bede’s. We believe in using new resources as a way to support what we are already doing at St. Bede’s, to extend our thinking and to continually grow our practice with student outcomes at the forefront of the process. 


Prep - SMART Foundations

The SMART Spelling program has a separate process to introduce spelling to students in their first year of school, this is called SMART Foundations. This program aligns with the SMART Spelling course which Years 1-6 will be using. 


How can you help at home? 

Playing spelling games such as Bananagrams at home together will improve student oral language and letter recognition skills which greatly contribute to spelling. This game can be purchased from Kmart. Students in Grades 3-6 will be playing this game to support their learning of spelling and oral language over the coming weeks. 


What to know more? 

If you would like to learn more about the SMART Spelling course or the founder of the course please visit 

If you have any questions about the Spelling program, please feel free to contact our Literacy Leaders


Kahli Schroder 

Aidan Cotchett  


Kahli Schroder 

Teacher & Wellbeing Leader