Arts & Technologies News

The Bank
The arts and technologies would like to announce the opening of “The Bank” digital gallery.
The gallery showcases student work from visual art, visual communication design, media, textiles, product design, systems engineering and STEAM, and highlights the wonderful creative skill and talent of our students.
We’d like to celebrate the work of Emily Shaw for designing the fabulous logo which encapsulates elements from all the creative fields.
Visit the gallery today:"
Year 9 Sculptural Ceramics News
Miss Rank’s Year 9 Sculptural Ceramics class have been busy building Coil Lanterns out of Teracotta.
Each student had to learn the technique of coiling, creating long stands of clay and joining them together to create a layered lantern. This particular technique can be quite challenging, requiring students to work carefully to build fine layer upon layer, and ensure each is joined securely. When constructed correctly, there can be some very beautiful pieces created.
Below are some of the works created by the Year 9 class.
Well done everyone.