Careers & Pathways
Year 11 Work Experience
Careers & Pathways
Year 11 Work Experience
Yr 11 Work Experience
Last week Year 11 VCE students had the opportunity to complete a week of Work Experience. The vast majority of students organised this in a wide variety of fields.
The main feedback from students was that it WAS GREAT but tiring! That they learnt a lot and got to experience many different areas of the placements undertaken. It also provided many with an indication if that career suited them or not.
Feedback from parents included:
From employers:
Well done to the students who took part and to parents who had to organise or help students get to their work placements (and maybe deal with tired, grumpy kids.)
Also a huge thank you to those employers who gave our students such wonderful experiences.
Shane Closter – Careers & Pathway Co-Ordinator