Year 11 News

Year 11 Leaders

Recently the Year 11 leaders were elected to represent the College. These students will play a vital role in promoting our school, participate in a range of leadership roles and work collectively to support positive change for all members of the school community. I would like to congratulate Vanessa Dewar, Glaze Amoguis & Kane Fitzpatrick on their successful appointment for 2021.

Vanessa Dewar
Glaze Amoguis
Vanessa Dewar
Glaze Amoguis


Intermediate VCAL Yakult Visit

On Monday 26th April our Intermediate VCAL students got the opportunity to explore a unique workplace to align with their subject of Work Related Skills. Students experienced some impressive insight on the tour such as; a high tech facility that incorporates food processing equipment designed specifically for processing Yakult, including Yakult’s distinctively-shaped bottles, filling and packaging lines, culture and quality control rooms. Everyone had the opportunity to taste the deliciously refreshing Yakult at the end of the tour, receive a show bag and engage in an educational discussion and video. 


Jarrad Donders - Year 11 Leader