Teaching and Learning
Welcome to Teaching and Learning for Term 3.
Earlier this year I outlined the rationale and process of the NSW Curriculum Reform. In May, the Minns Labour Govenrment announced the new syllabuses would be staggered, with core subjects to be prioritised. Each new syllabus requires teachers to undertake professional learning, develop new assessments and lessons and ensure consistency of reporting.
As a result of this change, Term 3 now includes:
- Consulting on four mandatory K to 6 syllabuses: Creative Arts, Human Society and its Environment, Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Science and Technology;
- Consulting on four mandatory 7 to 10 syllabuses: Geography, History, PDHPE, Visual Arts;
- Releasing: new 11 to 12 Health and Movement Science syllabuses and extend implementation to 2025 for examination in the 2026 Higher School Certificate.
- Implementation of Mathematics and English 3 to 10 in 2024
Calrossy are well placed to meet these new time frames. In Term 3 we have an extensive line up of professional learning planned for our teachers with a range of external providers secured as well as school-developed PD. Our next planned whole staff Professional Development Day is the 21st August where teachers will engage in a range of targeted activities that provide them knowledge, understanding and skills to expertly implement new curricula. Our strategic rollout will mean teachers have adequate time to consult and get to know the new syllabuses and be provided the time to implement them well.
I will continue to work collaboratively with each Key Learning Area and our Junior School to support processes to implement new curriculum.
If parents and carers would like to follow the reform processes this link will provide you with further details or please feel free to contact me.
Raelene Maxworthy
Director of Teaching and Learning