Message from the Principal  

 Principal David Smith

Outstanding Calrossy Graduates


A common expression of mine is, ‘We will only know how effective we are as educators after students have left school and become adults.” This speaks to the idea that the purpose of education is to develop great adults, possessing character and qualities that equip them to live flourishing and productive lives. A lot of what we do at school, whilst wanting to promote success and confidence at the time, is focused on developing great adults. Success at school is fleeting, unless it translates into adulthood.


One the joys I receive as a Principal is meeting Alumni,  young and old, who have gone on to become successful, confident and prosperous adults, making a difference to those around them, locally, nationally and even overseas. Some were stars at school but many were not, but they have moved into adulthood, taking things they benefited from at school, to be very successful in life, whether it be in study and employment, relationships, service or community engagement. What is always encouraging, is most refer back to the school experience as one that equipped and moulded them for adult success. Even recently in New Zealand (on a sporting tour) I had contact with an ex-student of Calrossy who has gone on to be very successful in her chosen field. This sort of thing happens all the time and it greatly encourages me of what is embedded into our school, often emanating from generations long ago, though of course it is something we want to nurture and maintain.


This reinforces for me the importance of our graduate attributes, the qualities that we deliberately focus on at school in our quest for ‘Excellence in a Christian Environment’. These include the following list, that are embedded into our values and reference characteristics and skills that make one employable and of value to others in the community:


Learning: Critical thinkers, knowledgeable, creative, collaborative, articulate

Growing: Courageous, resilient, independent, confident, knowing the Christian message

Serving: Selfless, caring, principled, inclusive, grateful.


Not every individual graduate excels in each of these attributes and there are appropriate ages and stages where they are enhanced and grown. However, it is my continuous observation that they are exemplified in many of our alumni, and their development is a specific quest as part of the Calrossy program, both within and outside the classroom. Employers want workers who can solve problems, are effective teams, communicate well, possess a willingness to learn and who are reliable and confident. Research into wellbeing shows that those who practice gratitude, and are caring and resilient are effective adults. Having tools to think about life problems and faith are also helpful adult attributes that can be formed in the school environment.


I am delighted to continue to meet Calrossy graduates, young and old, male and female and see identify them as ‘creators of hope and change that matters.’ That legacy of students who go into adulthood as learners, who continue to grow and who serve and make a difference to others is an outcome of a deliberate focus of an education that starts at Prep and is embedded into what we do as a school in educating young Australian. Long may this continue to be so.


“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12: 1-2



Yaama. We are recognising NAIDOC week during this week, affirming the important contribution of our First Nations students. The theme this year is “For Our Elders” and it was lovely to have Len Waters, Gomeroi elder leading our introductory ceremony yesterday, welcoming us to country. The involvement of some of our students, including the display of some artwork, was significant and helpful. There will be a range of activities and events held during the week, celebrating the richness of culture that benefits us all.

Calrossy Projects


William Cowper Campus Car Park: I am delighted that the long-awaited completion of the new car park is near. It will provide increased parking spaces, improve traffic flow on the campus and provide a safer environment for children. Thanks to parents for your tolerance and forbearance during the construction and for being adaptable. I look forward to the installation of lighting later in the year.


Commencement of Multi-Use Classroom Facility: The next stage in Calrossy development will commence shortly with the construction of an additional building on the William Cowper Campus. This will assist the move towards our campuses being self-sufficient and stand-alone. 


New Zealand Sporting Tour

I was pleased to be part of a recent tour to New Zealand, featuring boy and girl Rugby teams. The students represented Calrossy with distinction, both on and off the field and were a pleasure to take. What impressed me was the leadership of many of the students and the way that they worked together with peers and staff to enjoy a successful and worthwhile experience. There are more images from the Tour in the Photo Gallery on The Hub.



Deputy Principal

Mr Mark Doran is on Long Service Leave in Term 3, being replaced in his role by a mixture of staff. Enquiries re student matters should, as normal, be referred respective coordinators or to the Heads of Junior School, Years 7–9 and Senior Secondary. 


Of more significance is that Mr Doran has indicated his intention to relinquish his role at the end of the year, after 22 years as Deputy Head at Calrossy. Mark assures me his decision is not related to being Acting Head last term. Mark has been a loyal, humble and effective Deputy Principal and our previous Principal Elisabeth Jackson shared the same sentiment. His quiet yet efficient organisational genius, genuine godliness and wisdom has added much to our school. Fortunately, Mark will remain at Calrossy and be an asset to the Maths Department and other areas to be explored. 

A process to employ a new Deputy will commence shortly. We will appropriately acknowledge Mark’s contribution later in the year.


Head of Boarding

It is my pleasure to announce Natasha Rosky as Head of Boarding at Calrossy. Natasha comes to us from The Southport School QLD where she has held diverse roles as an academic and boarding leader. Natasha has also worked at St Hilda’s (Gold Coast) and possesses extensive educational experience with both girls and boys. Natasha is excited to lead Boarding at Calrossy and some of her children will also join us. I look forward to introducing Natasha to Tamworth and Calrossy as she assumes this important role in the the next few weeks. In the interim period Maria Buster will oversee and lead our Boarding team.


Year 12

Whilst all year groups are important, our Year 12 students commence their final term of school education this week. In two weeks time they undertake their HSC Trial Examinations and the term will conclude with a Graduation and Formal Dinner. I join with the Calrossy community in wishing our Senior students every success and a strong finish to their time at Calrossy.


David Smith

Principal Calrossy Anglican School